About Me
Hi everyone where do i start well first of all my name's Ria and i live in the little old city of Hull, which is quite a borin place to live.
I live with my little girl Lexi who is a little pest but i love her to bits. My boyfriend Ben doesn't live with me but might as well cause he's round here all the time(what can i say i'm simply irresistable) i cant keep him away!lol.
I love havin a laugh with all my mates, hi u guys, theres Nicki(one of my bezzies who's havin a lickle boy soon(i can't wait nic nic))Sue, Carla the party animal, Martin the fun lovin single(he really is a loverly guy so girls add him to your frinds)Sam(nighty to me) a relly old good school friend he's ace and in a band called the cliques he's promised me i can be in there first music vid(no goin back on your word now sambo)bless him. THERES TOO MANY TO MENTION!!! Any ways if i havent put u on i havent forgot you i still love u all xXx At the moment i am unemployed studyin travel and tourism but trined as a hairdresser but i got bored so i'm venturing in to the travel world. I also love ddoin barwok it was such a laugh but had to give it up cause the hours just didn't suit.I edited my profile at Doobix.com
Myspace Layouts
Name: ria
Birthday: 5/12/86
Birthplace: hull
Current Location: my livin room
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: at the mo dark brown
Height: 5'5
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: unknown
The Shoes You Wore Today: black boots
Your Weakness: chocolate
Your Fears: gettin fat
Your Perfect Pizza: chicken extra cheese and garlic butter on top
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: pass my travel and tourism course
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: go back to sleep lexi
Your Best Physical Feature: ask ben
Your Bedtime: when i'm tired
Your Most Missed Memory: kimmy rach laura and karen
Pepsi or Coke: coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
Single or Group Dates: depends
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: what?
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: neither
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Swear: do i fuck
Do you Sing: YES
Do you Shower Daily: of course what do u think i am a tramp
Have you Been in Love: yes
Do you want to go to College: think so
Do you want to get Married: yes
Do you belive in yourself: oh yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: not at all
Do you think you are Attractive: well i dont like to be big headed, but yes
Are you a Health Freak: not really
Do you like Thunderstorms: no
Do you play an Instrument: no
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes
In the past month have you Smoked: no
In the past month have you been on Drugs: not that i know of
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes with my bf
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes nearly everyday
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: of what sorry?
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yuk no no no
In the past month have you been on Stage: kind of
In the past month have you been Dumped: yes
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been called a Tease: many a time
Ever been Beaten up: yeah by my mam
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: i dont want to think about it
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: aint sure yet
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: blue
Favourite Hair Color: any i dont mind
Short or Long Hair: short
Height: tall
Weight: not fat
Best Clothing Style: any
Number of Drugs I have taken: non of your bees wax
Number of CDs I own: i dont know a lot
Number of Piercings: 4
Number of Tattoos: 8
Number of things in my Past I Regret: lots and lots
You Are a Party Girl!
You give Paris Hilton and Tara Reid a run for their money
(Who knows? You've probably even run into them at a club or two)
While you do have fun - relax a little every so often
All those drinks do nothing for your looks - or your bank account
Are You a Party Girl?
You've Got Guys Lined Up Around the Block
While your little black book isn't as thick as Paris Hilton's...
You get the most dates of any girl you know
It's your whole five star package that attracts men -
Your looks, your charm, and your ability tie a cherry with your tongue.
Are You Attractive?
Your Relationship Will Last... A Long Time!
Your guy is ideal, as close to Mr. Perfect as he could be
If you took this quiz, you may be doubting that...
Don't! No guy is perfect but yours comes really close
You guys will last for many years, as long as you appreciate him!
How Long Will Your Relationship Last?
Your Celebrity Boob Twin:
Geri Halliwell
Who's Your Celebrity Boob Twin?
You Are a Strawberry Blonde
Men see you as flirtatious, but they also see you as a challenge
Because you're totally fearless and carefree
You've got the lightheartedness of a blonde, with the attitude of a redhead
How Blonde Are You?
You are a City Girl!
Whether you live in the city or not, you've got the heart of a city girl.
You're up on the latest trends - what's hot in music, food, and fashion.
And you love to be on the go. Your perfect day is filled with tons of fun.
Your perfect guy is a city guy, so head to LA, NYC, Sydney, or London to find him!
What Kind of Girl Are You?
Your Power Color Is Gold
You're dependable and hard working. You never miss a deadline - and you're never late.
You have a clear sense of right and wrong. You're very detail oriented.
You get frustrated when your friends are sloppy - or when they don't follow through.
You're on top of things, and you wish that everyone else was!
What's Your Power Color?
You Are a Fierce Femme
You have a wild side, and you aren't afraid to bring it out when the time is right.
But you also know when to hang back and keep your "crazy chick" persona in check.
In fact, some of your friends may be surprised to find out how far you can take it...
You may look mild mannered, but it's all an act!
How Daring Are You?
You are Maryiln Monroe
A classic tortured beauty
You're the dream girl of many men
Yet they never seem to treat you right
What Famous Pinup Are You?
Your Ideal Hairstyle:
All One Length, Side Part
What Hairstyle Is Right For You?
You Are Most Like Carrie!
You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date.
But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal?
It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky.
Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a
great closet of clothes, no matter what!
Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year...
Totally different from any guy you've dated.
Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You?
You Are Psyche!
Eternally in search of purpose and insight.
You're curious and creative with a total sense of wonder.
Totally empathetic, you pick up on other's moods easily.
Just be sure to pamper yourself as well!
What Goddess Are You?
You Are a Bad Girl
You are 30% Good and 70% Bad
You're a total bad girl, from your wild hair to tattooed toes.
But you're too badass to even care if you're labeled "bad"!
Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
You Are an "It Girl"
You're outgoing, friendly, and charismatic.
You are aware of your image, and you are constantly improving yourself.
You're definitely the type of girl people love to be around!
Are You An "It Girl"?
Guys Think You're Easy... Maybe Too Easy
You're a very sexy woman. The problem is, every guy you meet knows it.
You can't help but put your sexuality out there for everyone to see (and sometimes sample).
And while some guys love this approach, it scares off some good prospects.
Save some of your seductive tricks for the right guy. He'll appreciate it more!
Are You Easy?
You Were A Little Devil This Year
You Were 95% Naughty, 5% Nice
Not only are you on Santa's naughty list...
You kind of scare him - and all the reindeer.
So you won't have a full stocking. You couldn't care less!
How Naughty (Or Nice) Were You This Year?
Your Red Carpet Look
Eva Longoria's Red Halter Gown
What's Your Red Carpet Look?
Your Lucky Love Color is Red
When someone gets to know you, the first thing they notice is your passion.
You are quick to fall in love, quick to get angry, quick to act impulsively. Relationships are quite a ride with you.
And unlike what your color might suggest, you never stop to think before you act.
Your heart is often on fire, and it's a rare man that can quell your flames.
All About Your Lucky Love Color
Beaded Cocktail Dress
Simple and sophisticated, this glam look is perfect for your high fashion style.
What's Your Prom Style?
Your Flirt Quotient
You are 73% Flirt
How Much of a Flirt Are You?
You Should Get a Rose Tattoo
Sexy and classic
You are pure rock and roll, party girl. So is your tattoo.
What Tattoo Should You Get?
Your Passion is Red!
You've got that spark - a good dose of intensity, power, and determination.
You do whatever you want in life ... to hell with what anyone thinks!
With so many interests and loves, you're always running around doing something new.
You have fire in your eyes, and it shows. Bet you're even wearing something red!
What Color is Your Passion?
You Should Wear Pink Pearl Lip Gloss
Sheer, luscious, and over the top flirty.
What Color Lip Gloss Should You Wear?
He's Absolutely Committed to You!
Your guy is committed to you, as if you were alraedy married
And hopefully, you show the same commitment to him
While you may have had your ups and downs, you've smoothed things out
If the two of you aren't serious, you will be soon
So start secretly planning your wedding
It may happen sooner than you think!
Will He Commit?
You Are a Soft Kisser
Your kissing style is understated, but effective
You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses to your special guy
And that's the key: he's got to be special to get your kiss
Because you don't just go around kissing anyone
What's Your Kissing Style?
Your Vibe is Super Sexy
You feel 100% sexy at almost any moment
And this inner sexiness really does boost your appeal
You're confident, playful, and outgoing
You know what you have to offer - and you're proud of it!
How Sexy Is Your Vibe?
You Should Be In Destiny's Child
You're sexy, smart, and hard working.
The perfect combo for superstardom!
What Girl Group Should You Be In?
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from The Princess Bride
"This is true love - you think this happens every day?"
What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?
You Are a Total Girlie Girl
You love looking good, and wooing men with your womanly ways.
You're so feminine, men are in awe of you ... which is a very good thing.
How Girlie Are You?
You Will Be a Traditional Bride!
You're the type of girl who is feminine, old fashioned, and totally traditional.
You've been dreaming of your wedding day since you were young
And you can't wait to be a princess in your big white gown.
It's likely that you'll have a big family wedding and take your husband's name
While a huge affair will be fun, just don't go all Bridezilla about the color of your napkins!
What Kind of Bride Will You Be?
He's Going to Ask You... And Soon!
As far as a proposal goes, all signs point to YES!
All you've got to do is stay calm and wait him out.
If you want to start dreaming about your dress and cermony...
Well, that's cool - as long as you keep it on the down low
That means all bridal magazines go under the bed!
Is He About To Propose?
You Are A Total Shopaholic!
You have a keen eye for spotting trends before they are hot
And sometimes your credit rating takes a beating as a result
Consider a job in retail to subsidize your gorgeous outfits
Over time, you could become a famous stylist or designer!
Are You a Shopaholic?
You Are Jennifer Aniston
Girl next door with a free spirit.
You're low key and naturally sexy.
Sweet and approachable, people are attracted to your upbeat attitude.
And even when life doesn't go your way, you always eventually turn things around.
Are You More Like Jennifer or Angelina?
You Are Most Like Gisele Bundchen
Slightly exotic and perfectly gorgeous
Which Victoria's Secret Angel Are You?
Your Celebrity Sisters Are Paris and Nicky
Wild, infamous, and stunningly gorgeous.
You cause a scene wherever you go
Who Are Your Celebrity Sisters?
You Should Own a Yorkshire Terrier
Lively, sweet, and easy to carry.
What Kind of Dog Should You Have?
You Probably Look Younger Than Your Age
You live a healthy lifestyle and know how to take care of yourself.
You'll probably have a youthful glow for many years.
Do You Look Your Age?
You Are a Flashy Red Bra!
Outgoing, friendly, and fascinating.
You're a charmer, with your pick of the men.
But you want a man who's as magnetic as you are.
You need someone who can keep up with your all night gab fests!
What Kind of Bra Are You?
You Are Girly Sexy
You're a youthful spirit, and your energy is infectious.
Men love your innocence and lack of emotional baggage.
You make every kiss seem like the first and every moment magical.
How could any guy in his right mind resist that?
What Kind of Sexy Are You?
You Should Wear a White Bikini
You have the genes to be the ultimate beach beauty, from your golden tan to your natural sun kissed highlights.
You don't need a fancy bikini to prove that you've got it going on.
What Color Bikini Should You Wear?
Your 80s Heartthrob Is
Jason Bateman
Who's Your 80's Heartthrob?
Your Love Song Is
Thankyou by Dido
"And I want to thank you for giving me
The best day of my life
Oh, just to be with you is having
The best day of my life."
It's all good, as long as you're in love.
What Love Song Are You?
The PJ's You Are Most Like: No PJ's
You're a bit of a hedonist - opting for comfort over everything else
You have an understated, easy sexyness that men love
You'll risk that for the feeling of sheets against your bare skin!
What Kind of PJ's Are You?
Your Perfume is Glow
Fresh, sexy, and clean.
You're real, intimate, and exciting.
Your lush sensuality appeals to men...
And you're as sexy as Jennifer Lopez.
Power scents: Orange flower, grapefruit, and citrus.
What Perfume Are You?
What Guys Think of Your Medium Straight Hair...
Smart, optimistic, easy going.
You're the thinking man's ideal woman - bright, funny, and no drama.
What Do Guys Think Of Your Hair?
Your Fragrance Profile
The best calming fragrance: basil
The best fragrance for everyday wear: cinnamon
The best fragrance to boost your sex appeal: musk
The best fragrance for energy: eucalyptus
What's Your Fragrance Profile?
He's a Keeper!
Your guy is a rare find: sweet, kind, and loyal.
And as long as he doesn't have three nippples,
You should seriously consider keeping him a long time
Sometimes a girl can't see a good thing when she's got one
So let me tell you: your guy is a gold medal boyfriend
Just make sure you treat him right in return!
Is He a Keeper?
You Are Elektra
"You don't know how I feel. I want revenge."
What Superheroine Are You?
Your Candy Heart Is "HOT STUF"
Got a date for V-day? You've probably got a few!
You're playing the field right now, which is cool
You've certainly got the charm to bring in tons of prospects
It's just a matter of deciding between dinner dates
What Candy Conversation Heart Are You?
Guys Like That You're Charming
You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads
Even if they met you on a bad hair day :-)
You just seem to "click" with everyone you meet
So even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't!
What Do Guys Like About You?
Your Love Quote
Death can not stop true love, it can only delay it for a little while.
What Love Quote Suits You?