Filippo Marchesini, dj and producer, was born in Turin in 1975. He started to djing at Pick Up club on saturday, in the afternoon. From light jay to dj the step was brief. "Pier and Gipso clubs signed the beginning of my career. From that moment i wasn't stopped, adding new names to the list of my collaboration overcoming the Piemonte and than Italy's borders. In parallel with my sets i began to write reviews for magazine specialized in djing, clubbing and nightlife like "Isola" and "Discoid". Some international majors as "The Propaganda" (Amburgo), "Nitegrooves" (USA) and "Precison" (UK) accompanied my musical distance. In 2000 i tightened an important collaboration with the fashion stylist Carlo Pignatelli, dealing with musical selections of some of his events until becoming a testimonial!!! In the same year the insight and the trust of Massimiliano Beca resident dj of Pascià (Riccione), historical club for house music, allowed to me to become one of the dj for the summery season. This club for me was an important springboard. Other goal was the artistic direction of the "Love Dinner Club" and the organization of the summery and winter tour for "Che Chic", a clothes' line which was born at Pineta in Milano Marittima, club of reference for who carries out my job, become company in the time. The professional collaboration with "Mondo Musica" carried to productions like DB Boulevard, Southside Hustlers, Menina Baiana. You Must to know the past in order to understand, interpret and revolutionize the present sounds. The collaboration with the CSC Riccione, agency of reference for the operators of the night, who cures the selections of the best djs, voices and performers in Italy and Europe, is an other important goal. One of my personal characateristic, the desire of continuous increase and the meeting with a fashion operator brought to the birth of Sumulu®: showroom, music, events! Music anf fashion interact, cooperate and create under the same roof. Currently i collaborate with the Iaki of Milan in the development of Nokia Trends Lab for a tour in Italy. From 1991 ... today ... and still ... house music in its evolutions is "the ingredient" of my dj-sets!!!"
Filippo Marchesini, dj e produttore nasce a Torino nel 1975. Muove i primi passi al Pick-Up di Torino il sabato pomeriggio e al Pier 7-9-11. Il Pier e il Gipso sono i suoi primi locali di riferimento. Da quel momento in poi, il passaggio che ha segnato la collaborazione con club del Piemonte a club di tutta la penisola è stato breve. E' nel 2000 infatti che, l'intuito e la fiducia di Massimiliano Beca allora resident dj dello storico Pascià di Riccione, locale culto per gli amanti dell'house music, l'hanno portato a diventare uno dei dj resident della stagione estiva. Di conseguenza aggiunge e stringe collaborazioni sempre più importanti che ricoprono l'intero territorio nazionale. Nel 2001 diventa resident dj del martedì sera del Rock-City, serata top del Nord Italia. Successivamente inizia a collaborare con la Club Service Communication, agenzia di riferimento per chiunque graviti attorno al mondo della notte, sino a diventarne uno dei dj. La voglia di crescita personale e l'incontro con una operatrice della moda porta alla nascita di Sumulu: showroom, music & events. Attualmente collabora con lo Iaki di Milano nello sviluppo di tour per varie aziende. Dal 1992 a oggi... e ancora... l'house music è l'ingrediente essenziale di ogni suo set.