Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser profile picture

Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser

It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission...

About Me

Me outside of Coyote Ugly in Charlotte...
Visit our show's website at http://www.carolinacruiser.tv and see the latest show anytime!

I host the Carolina Cruiser tv show, a local motorcycle show in Upstate South Carolina. I cover all the bike rallies, poker runs, motocross events - if its on two wheels, we try to be there. The show comes on Saturdays @ 6:30pm, channel 62, channel 9 on cable) in Upstate South Carolina and Western North Carolina. Best part - you can finally watch my show online! The website's been blowing up and I know alot of that is a big thanks to my friends here on myspace - you guys ROCK!
You can also catch me LIVE on the Buzzard 96.7FM every Friday at noon, crashing Craig's Buzzard Buffet - you can visit their website and listen from any state...just click their logo...
I get alot of questions about how I went from having a military/government background to hosting a motorcycle show...I'm still trying to figure it out myself. Guess I just paid my dues and God decided to give me a break. Do good things and good things happen to you...
For a listing of all bike events for the Upstate,
visit www.carolinacruiser.tv

My Interests

Riding motorcycles, watching UFC. Randy Couture should be on Pros VS. Joes every week because its just too funny watching him slam the guys head first onto the Octagon floor. Love traveling as much as possible, hopefully someplace warm with a beach. And of course, my charity work with my crew, Wind, Women & Wheels aka DUBYA 3. Supporting our troops, baby - because they're still over there and we CANNOT FORGET THEM. Shout to the men of Casa Bomberos!

Me and Lady Godiva comparing tats @ Myrtle Beach Bike Week...

I'd like to meet:

If you see me out at an event, please come introduce yourself, especially if you watch or have an idea for the show. I'm also a former Marine so I love to meet fellow Jarheads!



IPod has everything from Puddle of Mud to Motley Crue to Pussy Cat Dolls to Parmalee to Pink...if I like it, I like it. Nickelback - however, is the reigning god - the lead singer's voice liquifies me...

Suck-n-Blowin' with Gerard of FDNY


WATCH CAROLINA CRUISER ONLINE NOW at http://www.carolinacruiser.tv!

Sitting on a bad-ass bike built by Vanquish Choppers


CSI Miami or Vegas...Grissom rules but Adam Rodriguez is too hot to miss...basically anything on SPIKE or SPEED. Oh and Rome on HBO - ruins my night if I miss it!

Hanging out with Ron Jeremy at SBB during Bike Week


Wow...that would require me sitting still for more than 5 minutes...does reading my roommate's Maxim while I'm in the john count?

On the open road on my chopper...(thanks for the pic, Lisa!)


Army Major Cole Hogan - best riding buddy ever, lost him on 9/11 at the Pentagon. Shoulda just put work on hold and met him for coffee as usual...life is too short. Our only regrets will be the things we DIDN'T do in life, not what we did.

My Blog

The Loss of Sandy Leone - Myrtle Beach Harley Davidson

Wow - I am really in shock this morning.  Fighting a wicked cold, so I thought I'd start working on the schedule for Carolina Cruiser for the Fall Rally in Myrtle Beach.  One of my first pho...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 10:06:00 PST


..> BACK FROM VEGA$$$! Whew...still trying to re-adjust to East Coast time but me and the girls had a friggin' blast in Vegas - from hanging with Mondo & his crew at his shop just off the stri...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:04:00 PST


..> The 2007 Texas Chop-Off Bike Show winner is NOW available for sale to the public...Devo was judged by the some of the best in the custom motorcycle business and took home 1st place in the R.O....
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 06:07:00 PST

Recovery is in order....

Hurricane Barb has officially left the Greenville area, leaving a broad wake of devastation all thru-out the city and is headed up the coast towards Ft Bragg.  Given the current winds, she w...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 08:49:00 PST

Tips for Guys

OK - I'm not quite sure why some of the guys on here are wanting to use me for relationship advice - I guess its easier to ask a girl questions you know you'll never run into!  Well lord kno...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 02:41:00 PST

Busy Weekend Planned Already!

The best weekends include great weather and great friends. Friday night - my friend Barb is coming down from Ft Bragg.  Many of you had a chance to meet her hubby Izzy - owner of Lefty Brothers C...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:03:00 PST

Memorial Bike for Charleston Firefighters

Hey y'all - just chatted with Mike from Firehouse Choppers NYC - he's in Sturgis and giving me hell already for not coming out.  In his words, he's having an absolute SICK time - yea, yea, rub it...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 08:08:00 PST

Two Weeks Til’ Vegas, baby!

Y'all wanna come on vacation with me? The one thing I'm most thankful for is that I have the absolutely coolest friends on the planet.  From California to New York to Florida - and thanks to emai...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:06:00 PST

Bikers Against Domestic Violence

I'm helping my friend Renee put together a benefit to help raise funds for the Safe Home in Laurens, SC.  The Bikers Against Domestic Violence Benefit will be held on Saturday October 13th at Chi...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 09:40:00 PST

Bikers Against Domestic Violence

I'm helping my friend Renee put together a benefit to help raise funds for the Safe Home in Laurens, SC.  The Bikers Against Domestic Violence Benefit will be held on Saturday October 13th at Chi...
Posted by Dawn - TV Host of Carolina Cruiser on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 09:40:00 PST