i love animals and monsters, cartoons and sci-fi, drinking and playing pool, and fucking conformity up as much as possible.
yes, im a dork, and no i dont really give a fuck what you think... well, about me :p
There are something that I care about, and there are certain people I would love to get in touch with again, dont get me wrong, im a fuck up, a dreamer, i have holes in my shoes and like it, i dont really like stupid people, but will tell them to they're face.
My life basicaly entails the following:
Waking people the fuck up;
My amaza-dog Jake, with whom I love more then anything ever (sorry ladies he sleeps on bed EVERY single night)
Massive video games;
Massive drinking;
My job. (poker)
oh yeah! and ice cream, i has much love for that as well :)
Sully, tigers, raptor/human hybrids, Stza, Cicero, Thomas Jefferson, Heron of Alexandria, archimedes, d/b heads, punkers!!
moar funny pictures
or the amaza-kat above me.
or if you can speak teh lolrkat taki.
D+B, Punk, Hardcore.
Last of the Mohicans, Matrix, Serenity, SWx6, LotRx3, Fearless, GitS, RoboTech, Crash.
tons more i heart too; anything dealing w/ post-apoc. // epic sci fi ect.
SG-1, Atlantis, BSG, Doctor Who, 3x Law and Order, 24, Heroes, Daily Show, Criminal Minds, Prison Break, Alias, Jericho, Dresden files, Firefly, Andromeda, Futurama, Outer Limits, Dark Angel, Big Love, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Flash Gordon, Cane, Moonlight, Shark, Sara Connor Chron.
Wow, well, alot..Almost all Larry Niven, except for crashlander and the 3rd ringworld, Old Republic SW, Math textbooks (lol shut up.)
.. This Matrix....
Vampire/Lover kitten is a personal hero of mine. :-)
i especially like spaceships and tigers too.