What if life threw a choice to make a change in your life? You dont know weather it could be for the good or the bad. Would you take the chance and take a leap of faith? Would you take it to see where it takes you? There are many chances in life that sometimes it will never come again. Would you still take the sacrifice? Even though in the end you might get hurt all over again, would you still take it? Well for me i take every chance i get. Why i do that is because i never want to live life in doubt nor have any regret. I take the leap of faith and ride the train of life. I dont know where it may take me but if i get hurt again i dont really care. Why i say that is because what happen if you take that chance and you could have a happy ending to your rough path? I take chances because i hope for anew path in life which would lead me to be happy and become somthing greater in life. It could be anything like from falling in love again, to living life with no regrets. Though i taken many chances and i end up being hurt over and over again. I still do it because who knows, maybe the next chance that life throws at me could be the one that give me happiness. Only time will tell and i can do is hope for the best.
More blahs
Love is...A symbol of eternity. Its wipesout all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
I'd like to meet just about everyone!
Sometimes what you're looking for is staring right back at you.
The clang of pots n' pans or random nonsense humming.
Anything that tickles my Brain. i really like movies that has good meaning in it.
Professional and creative. I do everything with top quality and never less than that.
Huh? Don't people give these to short friends to sit on?
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PhotoBucket :: PhotoBucket where you upload your pictures duh
MasterLeCustomPSP :: If you want to pimp your PSP by yours truly! Check out my website.
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