Scotty profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My name is Scott, though a lot of people call me Scotty. I love to have fun and play video games in my free time. I love watching tv especially my tv shows. I love hanging out with people so long as its not one of those "Lets hang out and get wasted because we have nothing better to do". I need a girlfriend. I'm fun to around and I have a great sense of humor, shy around people I don't know. I'm a geek if that counts and I'm always horny, it comes with being a Virgin. LMAO!
I'm a retired WoW (World of Warcraft) player. I played on the server Frostmane, its an PVP (Player vs Player server) as Pistos, level 70 druid. Heres a sig I made for him: My Armory for Pistos ((My Gear))
I'm a graphic designer, I love playing around and making things in photoshop, been using the program for almost 6 years now, and theres so much you can learn from it. I love taking pictures (since I can't draw) and incorporating them with my imaginations into sigs, which are used at the bottom of peoples posts on forums. I have many more sigs I've made, among other things. Ask and I will show you them. =)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

LOL I love my brothers, haha look at Jeremy! =D lol I wish I could get us together and live together under one roof again. <3 them so much.
I love meeting people though I tend to be shy, not sure why. I like to meet girls and other gamers. I find it really easy to talk to other people who play video games because that's my main passion and it's easy to start talking about games. I love talking to people, if you want to talk send me a message on here and we can talk (I also have MSN and AIM). AIM is EternalSoul250 and my MSN is [email protected]. Also please mail me first so I know your a real person and somekind of reason you want to add me so I know your not a robot or a spammer.

Your results:
You are Dr. Jack Shephard

Dr. Jack Shephard 80%
Kate Austen 80%
Sayid Jarrah 75%
Michael Dawson 72%
John Locke 70%
Claire Littleton 64%
Walt Lloyd 64%
James "Sawyer" Ford 63%
Boone Carlyle 60%
Shannon Rutherford 48%
Ana-Lucia Cortez 48%
Sun Kwon 40%
Jin-Soo Kwon 40%
Charlie Pace 32%
Mr. Eko 20%
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes 14% You try to help people and do what is upright. You are very vigorous and people look to you for guidance.
Click here to take the Lost Personality Quiz

Who is your inner Shapeshifter?
Werewolves of folklore differ greatly from modern renditions seen in movies and shows. People believed there were many ways to become werewolves, such as drinking rainwater collected in a wolf's pawprint, eating meat gnawed on by a wolf, or being born with a full set of teeth or covered in a caul. And unlike movie werewolves, werewolves of old were oftentimes harmless and highly honorable! As a werewolf, you are loyal, strong and honorable, and you will protect all you hold dear with your very life. Although you are not a violent individual at heart, you will fight for what you believe in. You are a good friend and truly are a wonderful person to be around.
Take this quiz !

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My Blog


Here are my two awesome characters, Steel Rod (Also have Ironman version) and Spartan 118. What do you think?
Posted by on Tue, 18 Aug 2009 22:53:00 GMT

This is what I want for Halloween anyone help me make it happen. I want to be a Wild thing for Halloween and I want someone who can be creative as me in creating this costume. Meanin...
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 00:19:00 GMT

My Baby, Kawasaki KZ440

If you go into my pictures, you can see my motorcycle. All of those were taken before I even modified the bike, besides the new handle bars I put in. I like to think I'm doing a lot of the work myself...
Posted by on Wed, 13 May 2009 21:12:00 GMT

Transformers 2 Robots Announced!

Here's the list of Transformers who will be in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.AUTOBOTSOPTIMUS PRIME: The Autobots' leader - alternate form: Peterbilt truck (see photo).IRONHIDE: Weapons specialis...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 21:02:00 GMT

Where the Wild Things Are

Let me start off with: WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE!!! OMG I already knew about them making a movie, but I saw the official Trailer and I'm so pumped for this movie! Everyone has read the book as a kid,...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 03:41:00 GMT

Need something new in my life

I need to do something crazy or something to change in my life. Maybe appearance wise. I don't know, but I'm in the mood to change something. What could it possibly be.
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 01:23:00 GMT

Never going to let you down!

This is very important stuff:
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 10:43:00 GMT

Street Fighter IV Tournament @ Denver West Best Buy

COME TO DENVER WEST BEST BUYforSTREET FIGHTER IV TOURNAMENT!Denver West Best Buy will be having a Street Fighter IV Tournament on Sunday,March 1st. Sign up's are at 10am and tournament starts at 11am....
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:09:00 GMT

Met the GIRL OF MY DREAMS today at work.

If you're out there and reading this, contact me! Today I worked from 11am to 7:30pm. Around 1:00 to 1:30pm I was working in media and this darker skin girl approached me asking to get her an IPod....
Posted by on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 04:58:00 GMT

75% of Video Gamers are RETARDS (venting)

Seriously more than half the people I've met in games are fucking retards. I'm playing the Left 4 Dead demo on xbox live on expert, which is the hardest difficulty. Let me step back a second. Left 4 D...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 02:57:00 GMT