Michelle profile picture



About Me

one day i had a job that i didn't like. then i got mad and quit. then i went to boston for five days. then i came back and had no job for a long time. i painted. then i ran out of money and started telemarketing like all good english speaking montrealers do. eventually, that stopped. then i went to england, and new york, and new jersey, and boston, and vancouver and i painted and drew and started making a quilt... i'm still working on the quilt. but now i also have a job making jewellery.

My Interests

music. painting. pictures. sewing paper together on the sewing machine. petting cats that don't scratch me. not waking up to the dog barking or a hangover.

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet nixie, that guy we met on the street corner in boston. do you know him? ...actually, after a year, i met him. now i want to find a guy i met in a bar about 6 or 7 years ago, he was drawing. his name is ad'm dibiaso(?). do you know him? ...found him too. can't think of anyone else.


punk rock psychobilly rockabilly, L7, Johnny Cash, Misfits, Nekromantix, Bloodshot Bill, the Forgotten, Jurassic 5, billy idol, whatever.


all this listing is pointless. i like good movies. sometimes i even like the bad ones.


i love Douglas Coupland. i met Douglas Coupland. i giggled like an idiot. i also like books that are mostly drawings.


Doug Copeland is probably as close as i come to having a hero.

My Blog

busy busy busy and also lazy lazy lazy.

hey, so, we just sent the magazine to print this week, and the launch party is next weekend at the main hall (oct 20th at 5390 St-laurent). should be fun, but danielle and i have to get our website do...
Posted by Michelle on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 12:45:00 PST

going towards the wet heat

i'm going to vancouver, suckers.so long freezing wind, hello warm rain. only for a few days though... then back to make more shiny little things.michelle.
Posted by Michelle on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 04:46:00 PST

home, again.

bah, i am sleepy, just got in from vancouver. i miss it, and it's residents. now i have to figure out what to do with my life, i need a job. i dumbly and optimistically hope to find one i enjoy. i gue...
Posted by Michelle on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:12:00 PST

sleep, and travel.

so, apparently, i can't sleep more than 5 hrs a night. went to bed at midnight, woke up at 5am. yesterday i went to bed at 4am, woke up at 7. it's a little weird, normally i can sleep for days at a ...
Posted by Michelle on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:50:00 PST

happy blahs...

so. i have these creepy calm feeling. like everything will be ok, although nothing has changed. also, i am starting to realise i'm gonna need a whole lotta cash at some point, if i want to do all the ...
Posted by Michelle on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:23:00 PST

on a happy note...

having said all that, i just came back from three days of psychobilly/rockabily/hot rod fun in NYC, so i really shouldn't complain. finally saw the Meteors. i guess maybe it was just a tease though, n...
Posted by Michelle on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 10:22:00 PST

bah, humbug.

so, for whatever reason, i've decided not to drink until the first week in october. it's kinda bad timing, all my sisters birthdays and the like, but really, there's always something. so, that's that....
Posted by Michelle on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 10:20:00 PST

what the fuck

why, just when things seem to be making you really happy, do other things make you really sad? sad and unhappy... ass.something's gotta give.i'm not sure my usual method of drinking excessively will s...
Posted by Michelle on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 05:14:00 PST

good times / bad times

so. england was great. i drank pints with old friends, hung out and saw people i have not seen in years and met new people. tried to convince everyone to come to canada.then i came home, much to the s...
Posted by Michelle on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 12:51:00 PST


hhmm.i'll be on a plane over the atlantic in 48hrs. i'll land in england, have brunch with kylah, then head on over to Bath and see some good old friends. i'll drink a lot of alcohol, i'll do some sil...
Posted by Michelle on Sat, 27 May 2006 09:06:00 PST