The Schwab... or anybody that could Stump The Schwab. Especially that Adam guy. He's funny. Mystery. Jack Bauer.and Phillip Wellman.
Saves The Day, The Get Up Kids, Say Anything, Brand New, Thursday, The Early November, Straylight Run, =w=eezer, Kanye West, The Beatles, Queen, Van Stone. Hip hop cuz I'm gangsta .. and oldies cuz I'm that damn cool.NECESSARY ALBUMS:SOMETHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT by The Get Up Kids... STAY WHAT YOU ARE by Saves the Day... THROUGH BEING COOL by Saves the Day... IS A REAL BOY by Say Anything... DEJA ENTENDU by Brand New... PINKERTON by Weezer
Super Troopers, Half Baked, Office Space, The Usual Suspects, Poolhall Junkies, The Gingerdead Man, Santa's Slay, and of course the Lifetime Original Movie CYBER SEDUCTION: HIS SECRET LIFE
Best current shows in alphabetical order... 24, 30 Rock, Around The Horn, Dexter, Entourage, The Office, Pardon The Interruption, Scrubs, and South Park. Great shows from the past... Arrested Development, Boy Meets World, Saved By The Bell. I do enjoy myself some REAL WORLD / ROAD RULES CHALLENGE too.
Who the hell reads anymore? If I wanted to ruin my eyes... I'd go inject them with glaucoma. At least that way I could smoke marijuana and not get in trouble for it.
Gambit, Chris Conley, The Avenger, Matt Pryor, Iron Man, Max Bemis, Iceman, Jesse Lacey, Travis Barker, John Nolan, Villi Fualaau