Symphony profile picture


Mind metal

About Me

Symphony was formed in 1995. Its first members (Lars, Maniek, Bambosh, Maly and Mlody) playedmusic inspired by doom metal. At first the band was named Dark Doom. The first demo tape wasrecorded in 1996 and the band changed the name to Symphony of Despair. In 1998, after manypersonal changes, the band recorded its first significant material entitled "Pólcienie"("Halfshadows").
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The band was an instant hit in the underground scene till '99. Then the lead guitarist(Andrzej) and the bassist (Bambosh) left the band, and musicians abandoned playing. But in2001 they discovered that they could not live without music and started to look for a newguitarist, and a bassist. Two musicians - Soki, the lead guitarist, and Prins, the bassist -joined the band.
From the left: Soki Maniek Tosiek Lars Prins
Together, they started to make new material as 'Symphony', different than the first songs.Music evolved into something progressive. In 2006 they invited a new vocalist (because thefirst one left to England), and started to prepare new material. Actually the band isfinishing its newest promotional songs.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/15/2006
Band Members:



Fallen soul

Poszedlbym za Toba (cover)
Sounds Like: Symphony’s music combines melody and power with interesting and powerful vocals. Strong metal riffs goes with melody and complex harmonies of keyboards and interesting section of drums and bass. The term metal is sometimes too specific a categorisation for Symphony. You can find various elements of music in bands material, and sometimes it’s not so easy to understand idea of melody. Because of many different influences, progressive harmony, powerful guitars and homogenous aspects of symphony’s music the band called it Mind Metal.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Witamy wszystkich

Witamy wszystkich po dluzszej przerwie. Jak widac myspace ma swój nowy layout. Zapraszamy oczywiscie do zagladania. Informacje o koncertach i wydarzeniach beda zamieszczane na bierzaco. 
Posted by Symphony on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:00:00 PST


W sobote kolejny koncert - tym razem odwiedzimy sandomierskie Lapidarium. Zapraszamy wszystkich serdecznie! Planujemy duzo dobrej zabawy, alkoholu i zabawy i alkoholu i... no i oczywiscie damy z siebi...
Posted by Symphony on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 03:01:00 PST

Koncert w Starachowicach

Nastapily drobne niescislosci zwiazane z niedoinformowaniem. Okazuje sie, ze tym razem koncert zagramy w Starachowicach. Za blad przepraszamy. Odbedzie sie on w klubie Orbita, a supportowac nas beda H...
Posted by Symphony on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:06:00 PST


Zespól konczy prace nad kolejnym utworem, tym razem instrumentalnym. Niebawem wiecej na ten temat...
Posted by Symphony on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 03:44:00 PST

Symphony, MIR i Monstrum

Wczoraj, czyli 26 stycznia mielismy przyjemnosc zagrac w Skarzysku-kamiennej, w klubie "Semafor". Serdecznie pozdrawiamy cala ekipe organizatorów, a w szczególnosci naglosnieniowców, którzy odwalili k...
Posted by Symphony on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:21:00 PST


Witamy serdecznie wszystkich! Chetnych do sledzenia tego, co aktualnie dzieje sie w zespole zapraszamy do zagladania tutaj.
Posted by Symphony on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:09:00 PST