writing, computers, helping, socialising, movies and i enjoy keeping fit and kickboxing.I also love animals and am disgusted that myspace is playing host to letting people use it as a means to display cruelty to them. PLEASE sign this petition to stop this evil. It only takes a moment, thank you. xHere is a petition to stop showing this kind of cruelty on myspace.www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/748505556?ltl=117 0361101***************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ****Check Out This Video Of Belfast then and Now, it is wonderful.. width="425" height="350" ..
God, in due time of course.
You Belong in Dublin
Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions.
You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town.
What European City Do You Belong In?
Most things, but it has to be good and nothings put on without a mood to go with it.
A scanner darkly.. Its a wonderful life.. Persuit Of Happiness, Eternal Sunshine Spotless Mind... The Truman Show.. Mr and Mrs Smith.. The Good Girl... Hope Floats (me being girly lol, Out Of Sight, Patch Adams, Bram Stokers Dracula, Pratical Magic, Speed, Liar Liar, Batman, Bad Santa, Matrix, Oceans 11, Tomb Raider, Fear and Loathing is Las Vegas, One Flew Over the Coocoos nest... Millions actually, love most of everything out there. It's peoples hard work and has to be appreciated.This is Bat Country
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Lost, love it. Ahh and Friends, Sex and the City, and a few more.BELOW A LOST VIDEO WITH BRIAN MC'FADDEN SINGING. I THINK IT'S A BEAUTIFUL SONG.Demons
Add to My Profile | More VideosAND THIS ONE I MADE! :DI've been trying my ass off to get clips of Lost Sayid to make a video, but can't find any :/ He's rarrrr superdooper, meow meow! lol
Mother Teresa. Jesus Christ and the unexpected person that helps others when you least expect it. Another one of my heroes is my Grandmother who is 86 and still has not one not two but three jobs. She also babysits and does her own shopping lol She kicks assTHIS VIDEO KILLS ME! HAHA