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About Me

I have lived in Colorado most of my life and find it difficult to imagine myself living anywhere else. I've lived enough other places to know Colorado is right for me. Apparently I have gypsy in my blood because I like to travel, although I don't get to as much as I'd like. Debating what I'd do should I win the lottery is a favorite pass time for me. So far I think I'd buy a motor home and drive around the country with my husband and dog seeing the sights, visiting family and old friends. Seeing as how I don't really play the lottery much, that isn't likely to happen anytime soon.
Animals of almost all varieties have always been a great love of mine. My family had chickens when I was a kid in Mexico. My chicken Orangie was a favorite along with Mama Hen and Red Fred. We didn't consume our chickens cause they wouldn't have been good eats. Making them jump for pancakes has a way of making their drumsticks a bit tough, plus you wouldn't eat your dog would you? Scrapsie Girl is my current fuzzy friend besides Micah. She gives the best dog kisses and we have three-way snuggles almost nightly. When I'm feeling snacky and don't want to eat anything I sniff her feet cause they smell like Fritos.
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My Interests

Travel, hiking, camping, listening to music, baking, playing with my dog, WWII history, reading good books, watching movies

I'd like to meet:

Old friends


I like most has to be good though. Favorite bands right now are Extol, The Showdown, Mastadon, Becoming the Archetype, Sympathy, Crimson Moonlight, Discern, Tourniquet, Living Sacrifice, Antestor, Sacrificium, Immortal Souls


Anything Hitchcock, cheesy 80's movies, chick flicks, cheesy 80's chick flicks, LOTR, You Can't Take It With You, The Big Country, Death to Smoochy, As Good As It Gets, Lost Boys, Princess Bride, Kill Bill, Singin' in the Rain, Bringing Up Baby, Say Anything, corny Hallmark channel movies (but they have to have one of the following plot lines: 1. a girl on a ranch in Montana with horses, and maybe a wolf 2. a widowed woman during the depression who's farm is saved with the help of a handsome drifter).


Law and Order SVU, History Channel, Science Channel, Scrubs, Family Guy, Walker Texas Ranger


The Bible; Lilith, Unspoken Sermons by George McDonald; Space Trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia, The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis; The Hobbit, LOTR by JRR Tolkien; Dickens, most Francine Rivers, Orson Scott Card, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Pushkin, A.A. Milne, Jane Austen


Micah Dean

My Blog

Food for Thought

After watching a movie that I knew would get me irritated, I have a few words to put down. So here you go...It sickens me how easily we are duped by a "good story," and how our "educated" society is ...
Posted by Tricia on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:10:00 PST