Travel, hiking, camping, listening to music, baking, playing with my dog, WWII history, reading good books, watching movies
Old friends
I like most has to be good though. Favorite bands right now are Extol, The Showdown, Mastadon, Becoming the Archetype, Sympathy, Crimson Moonlight, Discern, Tourniquet, Living Sacrifice, Antestor, Sacrificium, Immortal Souls
Anything Hitchcock, cheesy 80's movies, chick flicks, cheesy 80's chick flicks, LOTR, You Can't Take It With You, The Big Country, Death to Smoochy, As Good As It Gets, Lost Boys, Princess Bride, Kill Bill, Singin' in the Rain, Bringing Up Baby, Say Anything, corny Hallmark channel movies (but they have to have one of the following plot lines: 1. a girl on a ranch in Montana with horses, and maybe a wolf 2. a widowed woman during the depression who's farm is saved with the help of a handsome drifter).
Law and Order SVU, History Channel, Science Channel, Scrubs, Family Guy, Walker Texas Ranger
The Bible; Lilith, Unspoken Sermons by George McDonald; Space Trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia, The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis; The Hobbit, LOTR by JRR Tolkien; Dickens, most Francine Rivers, Orson Scott Card, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Pushkin, A.A. Milne, Jane Austen
Micah Dean