^^^^JusT AbOUt anYOne tHat's IntEResTIng~~ aNd fUN~~..SpeCIally My OLd frIEndS thAT I've LoSt cONtaCt ~`~.. mETT eB~~ .. AnYOne whO aRe coNSIderEd friENds, Or Who wANt to Be fRIendS wITh mE, thEN agAGn anthINg oR anYOne thAT iS rELateD to tHe woRd f.r.i.e.n.d! ^^.. .
neW fwEnS ... aNy kiND ... biG , sMaLL , taLL , shOrT , prEttY , UgLY .. i jUz WAnnA MEet neW pPL FrOm aLL over thE woRLd .. WeLL .. daTs tO mucH bUt wuTeva !! ~ GuRLz ~ Damn cute gurlz.. My FreNz Great frenz good listerner.. not a backstaber .. ermm.... and of cuz my dream gurLz i liKe tO meeT mUh pRincE cHaRMing-iF thEres aNy~!! oTheR thaN daT .... YOU !!! yeS yOu !!! dReW fuLLeR!!!!!.
love to hear music so much..r&b,oi,ska,reggae,punk rock,ska punk,rock steady,soul,and other types of music NeED it whEN i'M Gettin ready in da mornin(Snoop dog's-Next Episode and Beyonce's-Naughty Gurl)...need it when i wanna kill sumone(Silverchair-The whole 'Freakshow album' and System of a Down's-Toxicity album)...need it when i'm in da mood for LURVEEEEEEEE(Jill Scott's-He loves me in Lyzel 'E' flat)...need it to rev me up b4 exams(Rage Against the Machines)...and THE album that got me through sum BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG shitty heart-ache, with THE song that got me through sum even BIIIIIIIIIGGER shitty heart-ache... Aaliyah's 'We need a resolution'.I jez lurve RnB.But i think dat Brandon Boyd from Incubus is hot...hot....HOT!And i'm quite liking Maroon 5 at the moment, i like the songs.PLUS...the drummer(Ryan Busick)ain't dat bad either...I liiiiiiiiiike.
i just like to movie with Star Wars (Luke Skywalker's era), Back To The Future (all of them!), The Crow, all films by Tim Burton, Ghost In The Shell, Transformers : The Movie, Porno's Delight... hehe.. hahahahahahaa .
samsung 32inch flat screen hahahaha...... friends, fear factor and many more...im so love to watch shinchan hihihi ...saye dah pulang!!!
semua buku aku tapi aku paling suker bace komik jerk,,,tak pon majalah hiburan...kalau buku nak study tue ader la time nak exam jerk...hahahahaha.......
Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.......