::♥:.Nectar.:♥:: profile picture


I feel just like you.. --- I mean, even I hate us.

About Me

If you don't know, ASK.


Deep...Random...Mellow...Witty...Intelligent...Sarcastic..Re flective..Happy...Sad...Peaceful...Empathetic...Lovable...Tr ue...Outspoken...Strong...Sensitive...Sweet...Passionate...M oody...Sincere...Analytical...Understanding...Sassy...Energe tic...Openminded...Confident...Artistic...Thoughtful...Simpl istic...Assertive...Outgoing...
Caring...and Very Down to Earth!!

If I were a symbol, I'd be a heart OH! I'd be chocolate covered caramel popcorn. (If you haven't tried it I suggest you do, it will change your life.)
- Oh yeah, and I also have an amazing boyfriend who treats me fabulously! And calls me sugarpie and luvbug, opens doors and holds my hand!

It's all about the little things.

My Interests






I'd like to meet:

God...My grandfather...

Folks with heart, with soul, with insight, with jokes, amusement, with love.

"And instead of saying all of your goodbyes -let them know You realize that life goes fast It's hard to make the good things last You realize the sun doesn't go down It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round"



anything that keeps my mind heart and soul moving..

mini V. move over hello kitty, Fafi's in the house.

my bee & me! Kisses!

My Blog

::♥::♥:: Focus On Abundance ::♥::♥::

A Very Inpsiring Email from my boss...Choose to let your troubles remind you of your blessings. Challenge yourself to focus your attention on the positive influences and possibilities in your life. No...
Posted by ::♥:.Nectar.:♥:: on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:14:00 PST

Pics from New Years 2007 @ Bass Lake

..::New Years 2007, Bass Lake.. CRAZY TIMES!!::.. ...
Posted by ::♥:.Nectar.:♥:: on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 01:19:00 PST