I stay active in the community, giving back where it means the most to me and that is to the men and women who preserve my freedom. I love going to my daughters games. Watching with ammazment a true champion in training. I also love guns everything about them, some for their power, some for the accuracy, and some because they can take out a pack of rats in one shot. Oh yea concealabilty, Gun Control at its finest !!Military tribute to support the troops,The Reason we are Free
Red Shirt Friday
Someday may it be Jesus Christ, Moses, Confucius, Socrates, Mohammed, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Patton, Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt Einstein, Mother Theresa. Any individuals who take risks that will benefit a greater cause. The few who do the right and moral thing at the moment of intense adversity, who respect and help others. Each and Every veteran who went to war defending us. I give them thanks and show appreciation for their sacrifices. I want to see new things and enjoy the freedoms fought for by my heros The Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the enlisted men and women of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Airforce, and National Guard Reserves.
When griping grief the heart doth wound, and doleful dumps the mind opresses, then music,with her silver sound,
with needy help doth lend redresses.
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
Ever wanted to say "Thank You", but didn't....then wished you had ! Next Time, say it; Its easier than you think it means more then you think. Its' not about politics, it's about service and sacrifice, and it's about gratidtude. If you appreciate their service, give them a sign.
National POW MIA Memorial, Riverside National Cemetery
Tell'em Gods gonna cut em down.