Dustin profile picture


Crushed Lettush...

About Me

relaxed, retarded, creatively-challenged, and moronic-ox

My Interests

Food, Computers, Cars, and Fu Long Gong

I'd like to meet:

My girlfriend Zhan Zhiyi... It's like lettting the tigerrr out of thur cagerrr


Cure, Morrissey, Anything Box, Interpol, New Order, DM, anything 80s!


zoolander, dude where's my car, dodgeball, fight club, dumb and dumber, office space, eternal spotlight of the sunshined mind, wedding crashers, 90 year old virgin, crash, ET, Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortoises, Afghanistan Pie, A day without a Mexican, American History X, and most movies promoting racism but not really


family guy, LOST, the Weather Channel, ESPN 8 (the ocho), PBS, and NPR (88.7)


why read when you can watch a movie based on a book? and, why aren't there any books based on movies?


Kenneth Lay, Bill Gates, Lance Armstrong, Oprah, Chris Farley

My Blog


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Posted by Dustin on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:24:00 PST