computers, electronics, mmorpgs (everquest), politics, cooking, guns, drinking (-- no beer please! --), dinner out, music, wine, tattoos, taken women, movies.
.... no whiney liberal democrats ....
.... no fat girls that love spandex....
.... no one with a mullet (men and dikes alike)....
.... no feminists -=- i'm a maleinst ....
.... no sappy guys that make all men look like pussies ....
.... no lesbian's that date women that look more manly then me ....
.... no people with teeth that look like you smoke crystal meth ....
.... no one above 28 that still wears a nametag to work ....
.... no women with children that live in a house on tires ....
.... no white people with "grills" -- you look fucking stupid ....
.... no black people that still blame "the man" for everything ....
.... no one that calls themselves a pimp or player but has no cash ....
.... no man that makes the woman pay for everything ....
.... no one under 4 foot tall ....
.... no one over 7 foot tall ....
.... no one that thinks TGIF is a place to go on an anniversary ....
.... no women called a "MILF" before the age of 16 ....
.... *PLEASE NOTE* we always give exceptions to those females with past drug addiction, ignorance, brain damage, lack of self esteem, lack of self control, nymphomaniacs, menstruation, oral fixation, hypertension, and or your just very very cute .... ;)
...artist profiles...
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