I am Kaze, a Samurai warrior with a deep and somewhat troubled past. Little is known about me as a whole...but this is how I prefer it to be.
I have travelled long and far and have faught many an opponent. When respect is given I shall give it in return. But even if you are my enemy I am willing to learn from you for that is what honor is truly about.
I am an honorable fighter and skilled in the arts of melee and sword fighting. Though I will not fight unless it is neccessary to do so for a pointless battle is already lost.
(Out of character note: Please note that is this an entirely fictional profile and is intend for ROLE PLAY purposes only. I am not actually from Japan, I do not claim to be Kaze in real life and for those of you who want to know the real me please feel free to ask me for a link to my real life profile. For further information about Kaze: Ghost Warrior and the DVD of which I got the inspiration to create this profile from please visit http://www.kazeghostwarrior.com/ and http://www.kurvstudios.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaze_Ghost_Warrior . Thanks ^..^!)
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