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Hi there everybody, I’m Bob. I’ve believe i have lots to offer, I’m eager to learn and I’m happy to admit I'm a pretty sensitive type of guy and I have an extensive variety of interests. I love my children Koen and Lena very much. Saying that, I’m often found in swimming pools and children’s playing grounds.I’m less bound to judgments and meanings. Everything has many sides, so I try to see things from different angles. But sometimes It’s just great not to think at all. Just partying, having a few beers and enjoying the odd gig.........A nice thought by Pascal Bruckner: "A well succeeded life is a life that found it’s recognition in the way it happens to be, and what someone, in all modesty, doesn’t want to swap to any other life.".......Here's a poem i wrote.Spring.Passing through fields in spring its vitality i discover.as river’s forelands change from flood to bloomso i momentarily cross boundaries of love for live-unquenchingly craving to know –and life itself.Seehow visibly wind is heard in quivering leaf.how the blue egret unmovingly throws idle the moment.and i tangibly know what is.