Tango, American Swing, Salsa, Ballroom & Latin, Belly-dancing, Taekwon Do, Kickboxing, My Scooby-Do, sewing (yep sad but true) And lately West Coast Swing...along with abstract Art........Antiques and Rugby
funky people that challenge my views with out discrediting them.......people who love to dance, and those that enjoy a good chat, movie goers, neat freaks and those with a social conscience.......merchant bankers and acrobats....
most things but not classical aarrggghh and sorry no country....just cant get into it.......
Saw, love love love horrors
Sex and the City, Dragons Den, Neat, Outrageous Fortune, Forensic Files,
The World book set of encyclopedias (just started reading at A and they are fab, and 20 years out of date!!): The art of possibility:
Wonder Woman, Audrey Hepburn,