Mixed Martial Arts, Golf, working out, movies, music, women who are brining sexy back;), hahahhhaha, and just meeting new people.
I like meeting all types of people so if you want to chat just send me a message or add me, and I'll try to get back to you ASAP. To sum it all up NO SNOTTY ass people who have there damn nose in the air acting like there s#*t doesn't stink!LOL!! Yea to all those people well FU hahaha but if your good person I wanna get to know ya ;).
I listen to almost everything except country. Well wait a minute no, I lied LOL!! I listen Faith Hill and Shania Twain ( yea yea I know thats spelled wrong but I'm a busy guy =P )So yea I guess I listen to everything including country!!
Whatever is good at the moment. Weird foriegn movies like the Audition (the movie with the scary ass asian woman),Classics like The Warriors, Scarface, All of the Star Wars, Enter the Dragon, and corny movies like Howard the Duck LOL!!! I swear I'm like the only person in the world that remebers that movie!LOL!
Heroes, South Park, Drawn Together, Windfall, UFC fight night, Pride, Hell's Kitchen, Lost, Nip Tuck, The Shield, The Hills, Vegas, Pinks (its a racing show not porno people!!!), Pimp My Ride, Hogan Knows Best and every other garbage show that prevents me from studying.
Do those magazines hidden between my matress count? hehehe j/k :-P On a serious note the best book ever if you want to make money is "How to make money in stocks:A winning system in good times or bad" by William O'Neil. For those of you who don't know William O'Neil is the founder of Investors Business Daily. Great book for newebies in the market.
That would be the man who has a giant mansion, walks around in his silk pj's all day, and is sorrounded by an endless supply of women.