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Where you at? The beach... I'm There!

About Me

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very own MySpace LayoutsWell lets see. I am new to this myspace, but I think I am going to love it. I love comments and I love to chat, so lets talk. Im a really nice person, who gets along with most people. I just recently moved to San Diego. I love to watch movies, get my nails done, workout, and PARTY! If you know any html let me know because i would love to add some stuff to my profile

My Interests

I'm a pretty well rounded girl. I'm intersted in all sorts of things. I love my family, and I love my friends. Those are the main interests in my life. Everything else comes second. I enjoy designing things. I like art, interior design, and architecture. I'm tremendously organized and I have goals . I have motivation and drive and I'm talented. I'll never not have something because I was too lazy to get it. I'm extremely practical. I'm not a dreamer. My dreams are my reality. I'm extremely blessed and I have everything and more that I could want or need. I believe people are victims of themselves. I don't like people who complain about the cards they were delt in life. Get over it. Fix it. Get new cards. Make something of yourself and be proud of it.

I'd like to meet:

I hate drama and negativity...Life is too short to be unhappy and I prefer to Live it up and make the best out of it! I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for and I am blessed to have so many wonderful people/family in my life and I try not to take any of that for granted . I love to meet people so I'll either see you at the beach or on my profile :)


Story of the Year, My Chemical Romance, Sugarcult, Fall Out Boy, Motion City Soundtrack, 19 Wheels, Hawthorne Heights, Yellowcard, New Found Glory, Good Charlotte, Blink 182, Taking Back Sunday, Green Day, Lost Prophets, Bowling For Soup, Goo Goo Dolls, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, MXPX, Allister, Rascal Flatts, Rancid, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, Emerson Drive, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Gavin Degraw, The Pink Spiders, Acceptance THE BEST MUSIC COMES FROM THE MIDWEST HELL YEAH! STORY OF THE YEAR, MOTION CITY, FALL OUT BOY, HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS!!


Friends, Gilmore Girls, Ugly Betty, All Law and Orders, Project Runway, Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, Numbers, Heroes, House of Carters, America's Next Top Model(my guilty pleasure) and The Class