SLEEP! Music. Movies. Theater. Art. Books. Sports. Food.
Anyone who can make me think, laugh, and wonder and has what it takes to have an interesting conversation.
I'm that kind of person who knows atleast some random facts about lots of bands. I don't really have favorites because I'm ecclectic and comparing jazz to rock to opera to hip hop doesn't really work for me. So you name it, and I'll be nice and blunt about whether or not I like it.
Pirates of the Carribean, Robinhood Men in Tights, Dogma, Meet Joe Black, Killer Instincts, Ever After, Shawshank Redemption, Memento, The Ring, Candyman, Me Myself and Irene, Big Daddy, Analyze This, Any Monty Python... essentially anything good, funny, or dramatic.
Mmm reruns online: House, Monk, Psych, Bones (The few episodes my roomie got me hooked w/at least)
The list would frighten any normal human being and already scares some paranormal people so let's just leave it at I know the classics by heart but love something with fresh perspective. I live right down the street from B&N so books are my favorite things in the world next to CDs.
Each and every last one of my insanely awesome friends. Not to mention anyone who has a way with words, patience, or wisdom.