Jessica profile picture


Freedom America Freedom Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq !!!!!!

About Me

REVOLUTION, IT'S NOW OR NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are living in a FASCIST nation. Anybody who gives a shit about humanity needs to take a stand. Not taking a stand and sitting on your ass is saying that you support this war and our government and that makes me nausiated!!!!!! Customyzed using msprm name="movie" value="

My Interests

I'm just koo koo for nascar and naked people! cake frosting, green olives, bad movies for the hell of it, naps, bike riding, hiking, conceptual art, dada, fluxus, happenings(Allan Kaprow),politics, getting my back cracked, drinking wine of any kind, good conversation, morning sex, eggplant, outsider art, booty house, unlocked doors, mystery pills, Beat poetry, big hair, seedy adult book stores, garage sales, getting lost, scissors, yoga, thunderstorms, cooking shows, painting, writing, collecting random weird shit, erasers, activism,loving,living!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Dead revolutionaries and political prisoners.


The Flaming Lips, Lou Reed, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Psychic TV, R.L. Burnside, Guided by Voices, The Ravonettes, Adult, Ladytron, The Sea and Cake,Iron and Wine, The Dirty 3, My Morning Jacket, Neil Young, Tortoise, Helium, T Rex,The Strawberry Alarmclock, Yoko Ono, Joy Division, The Pixies, Papa M, Pink Floyd, Old Billy Joel(not River of Dreams Billy Joel), Air, Dead Can Dance, The Swans, The Magnetic Fields, A Tribe Called Quest, The Fugees, Mid States, Tori Amos, Low, The Legendary Pink Dots, The Velvet Underground, The Clash, The Cocteau Twins, Rufus Waynewright, Radiohead, North Mississippi Allstars, Moby, Morphine, Steely Dan, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Tammy Wynette, Kenny Rogers, Wilco, The Afghan Wigs, Deelite, The Rapture, The Cure, Micheal Jackson,Depeche Mode, David Bowie,Bob Dylan, Stereolab, Spiritualized, Leonard Cohen, Kraftwerk, Elvis Costello, Ice Cube, Shellac, John Coltraine, The Polyphonic Spree, Postal Service, ELO(yes, i love them,) New Order,Electronic,Dionne Warwick, Peaches,Billy Bragg,Tom Waits, Bob Marley, Julie Cruise,The Jackson 5,Morrisey, Run DMC, Hot Hot Heat, The Band, Big Black, Black Sabbath, Charlie Parker,Sonic Youth, The Breeders, Coco Rosie, Crosby Stills and Nash, Paul Simon,Miles Davis, B.B. King, Koko Taylor, Ben Folds Five, W.C. Handy, Aretha Franklin, Nick Drake,The Kinks,Jimmy Cliff,Magnolia Elecrtic Co., Bobby Conn and many more.


Blue Velvet, The Saddest Music In the World, The Commitments, Adaptation, Steal This Movie, Decasia, The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari, Run Lola Run, Dead Man, Do the Right Thing, Friday, The Big Lebowski, Bottlerocket,Baraka, Little Miss Sunshine, Alice's Restaurant, The Last Waltz,Vampire Hunter D, The Wall, Go Further, Requiem for a Dream, Casablanca, Jesus' Son, Jackie Brown, Metropolis, I Shot Andy Warhol, Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Motorcycle Diaries, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Velvet Goldmine, 100 Cigarettes, Annie Hall, Heathers,Midnight Cowboy, The Big Chill, California, Sid and Nancy, The People Vs. Larry Flint, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Fight Club, The Secretary,The Wizard of Oz, Being John Malcovich, The Lost Boys, The Squid and the Whale, In America,Bowling for Columbine, Thumbsucker, Pecker, Metropolis, But I'm a Cheerleader, Blacula, Ghost World,& Happiness.


Channel 11,IFC, The Sundance Channel,Big Love, Roseanne re-runs, The Colbert Report,& The Daily Show.


Anything by L.Ron Hubbard, Danielle Steele, or Tom Clancy. They are so brilliant it brings tears to my eyes. Scientology will save your ass! Though I am currently reading Never Come Morning by Nelson Algren.


Julia Butterfly Hill, Neil Young, Abbie Hoffman, Mumia Abu Jamal and everybody I personally know in my life.