I Love movies and Music, but I also have a passion for animals and video games. Ever been beat by a woman at madden or duck hunt??? LOL!!! ALSO Politics, show your self and raise your voice, don't be a cog in the system! I also love CLICK HERE TO VISIT A REALLY NEAT FREE PRODUCT/SERVICE BLOG MY FRIEND TOLD ME ABOUT They have links to secret freebies like iPhones, Nintendo Wii, Laptop Computers, Tickle Me Elmo Dolls, etc... I think the stories stories they have are actually on the level.
No one in particular, can't think of anyone special, well I guess there are some people but most of them are dead,oh wait I think I have it, Someone who left a huge impression on me as a child and left me with a life long addiction, that's right you guessed it....... The inventor of the KOOSH BALL!!! LOL, but in all seriousness, you gotta love the KOOSH!
Love rock music, lots of old stuff, but I'm a blend person so I don't like to limit myself. I also like rap occasionally, try to keep it positive and not on the negative. I can take country in stride as well. Classical I have got to be in the mood for however.
Give me something with a plot, nothing to gory unless I'm in a need to be scared mood. (which isn't often) I'm not as hung up on romance as the average girl, I'll take action over sap any night, lol!
Not been into a lot of TV lately, been trying to keep my DVR cleared, it's to temting to record everything ever produced!
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I guess my heroes are mostly directors and musicians. I don't like to fall all over to many people. I have people I hold in high esteem, but that list is getting shorter as I get older and realize the faults of my childhood heroes. By the way, You all really should do yourself a Flavor and visit that site GetFreeProducts.Blogspot.com I know you might hear it sometimes, but they are sincerely one of the only sites I have ever been told about on myspace and then thought it might be useful once I saw it. My friend originally told me about it, she is excited because they have links to Free Products, Free Gift Cards, etc that are little known to the public. Anyway, Please invite me to be your friend, I want to have as many friends as possible. Later Everyone :)