hang out,shOppIng witH my fRienDs, borak², lepak² till buhsan, g0ssip?, fasHion, cadbury chocoLaTes, ice cream, secret recipe, islanDS, beaChes, sunRise & sunSet, sp0rts, ouTdo0r activities...
anybody who want to meet me..kawan² lamer ke baru ke....:P
any kinds of music...pop, rock, R&B, slow rock, sentimental time sedey n layan jiwang..kuakuakua..maner² bleh masuk..janji besH utk didengar..!
..thriller,horror,romance..citer japan ngan korea..sumer layan asalkan BESH!
magazines, romance novel, newspaper..all da book that can add my knowledge n info, interest to read..!
erm..not find yet..sedang mencari siapa yg akan jadi MY HERO..:P