Name? I have no name and I have no idea as to when I came into existance. I have always been here jumping from this existance to the next through a system you humans are on the verge of breaking called the M-Theory, or String Theory. I am what you humans call a Will O Wisp, and
sometimes you idiots confuse me with other names and try and throw lies and lore into who and what I am. I am an essence of true evil that no other being great or evil on this plane or the next can even amount to. The great old ones..... I forgot most of you humans know nothing of us. Let me break it down for you. The most famous member widely known by your dumb cults goes by the name of Cthulhu. A human wrote about him by the name of H.P. Lovecraft and is soon to be our newest member in the order of the Great ones. That is probably the only two you humans know of in our vastly large order. We have followers of human and non human nature that worship our every word and movement. Bow before me and the other Great Ones for the end of your world and humanity is near. I have many forms and can have multiple presences at the same time. I am the begininng and the end of everything you know.
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