I'm into the night life, and going out to have a good time, i've recently gotten into travel and i also love a good movie, even if i watch it over and over again.
I'd like to meet:
Well, to begin with the Pure Pwnage crew, and that will be rhappening in less the 28 days lol, so yeah that's about it.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
I'm into trance / techno / alternative / dance and top 40.
Well, they would heva to be.Face Off, 300, Lord Of War, Milo & Otis, A Scanner Darkly & theres more i just cant think of them right now.
My favourite television shows would have to be, family guy, jericho, heroes, and south park !!
Kevin Mitnicks series, any comics which i can read back to front, the chobits series for sure.