My Abs profile picture

My Abs


About Me

I was sitting down in a semi contracted position a few weeks ago listening to Darn watch Fight Club, when I heard that bit where Tyler finds the series of books written about a guy name jack and his body parts...except the body parts are written in the third person...And hence in the 7th day...Darn said: "Let there be abs" And there was, and I'm a beautiful set abs. Ok not that beautiful but there is something really special deep down inside of me behind the fat.I am Darn's Rock Hard Aba-Dabas*, I provide stability to his mid section

My Interests

Darn's other body parts...being licked

I'd like to meet:

Other body parts written in the third person...Female flat stomachs or slightly toned...I don't mind boobies, but I think they're a lil over rated. Nah scratch that, I'd like to meet other body parts from all around the world...all shapes and sizesI Have a dream...I dream that one day I; Darn's abs, and Darn's shaved balls can live in uncensored harmony on myspace and maybe even YouTube.I'd love to meet my mind too. Last seen swimming way out in the ocean


the sound of screaming fat cells as they burn...and die a horrible slow painful death!!!




Body by Jake


Super duper aba dabas with Jake


Darn's shaven scrote

My Blog

Health, Fitness, Exercise resources on the net

this is probably one of the most informative info sites on health, fitness and exercise I've found on the net so far...there is so much crap out there but this is a rare gem...forget all those super f...
Posted by My Abs on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 10:43:00 PST


Ok, so its been a few months now since I've started on my quest to Ab it up. So far so good. Keeping my diet pretty tight&I like to call it Darn's Taste Like Arse Diet. I just ask myself the followin...
Posted by My Abs on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:46:00 PST