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Executive Director/Co-Founder Let's Get This Right

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Samuel Adams once stated . . ."If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!" ....

Let's Get This Right believes our national values are based upon the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, the writings of the Founding Fathers, and upon the writings of great political and religious thinkers throughout the ages. [Links]


Let's Get This Right strongly supports individual liberty, the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values.


Let's Get This Right welcomes the involvement of volunteers and actively supports candidates who share our principles, core beliefs and values for the ....United States of America.....


Let's Get This Right supports the United States Constitution and the men and women who defend it. The 2nd and 10th amendments are core beliefs of true conservatism and have been under severe attack by progressives, liberals and the main stream media. We will fight daily to take back the courts from the ACLU and the anti-God Left. We will defend them at all costs.

"Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports...,And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion.--Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure--reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." -George Washington

"The ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas-a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish and the ideals to which we are dedicated." -Ronald Reagan

"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations." -Abraham Lincoln "The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife." -Theodore Roosevelt "Here in American we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion." -Dwight Eisenhower"Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery." -Calvin Coolidge

Let's Get This Right constantly asks progressives,"Progress towards what?"


Let's Get This Right supports free enterprise, limited government, low taxes, and personal responsibility. We believe in self government, not self indulgence. We do not believe that the federal government should extend its power over every aspect of our lives. The best government is the one that governs the least.


Let's Get This Right believes in the dignity of life, that every human deserves the right to life--from conception to death--and that we do not have the right to kill unborn children nor to murder the elderly through active euthanasia. We do, however, support the death penalty. The Bible is clear that the government has the responsibility to provide for peace and security for its people. We also believe the government has the power to take the lives of those who murder others and to wage war against our enemies.


Let's Get This Right embodies those ideals, sentiments and that great optimistic sense of hope. " For all it's terrible faults, in one sense America still is the last, best hope of mankind, because it spells out so vividly the kind of happiness which most people actually want, regardless of what they are told they ought to want." Let's Get This Right still believes it is morning in ....America....."


Best Regards,

Sheridan Folger and Brad Martson

Executive Directors

.. ..

Let's Get This Right

Shared with the My Fellow McCain Victory 08 Bloggers at 84 Rules, Adam J Schmidt, Agkyra, Agora politikos, Ahwatukee Musings, America For John McCain, Americas Best Choice, Armchair Everything, ARRA News Service, Asian Americans For McCain, Asymmetric, AzaMatterofact, Basils Blog, Blogs For John McCain's Victory, Blogs For Victory, Blogs4McCain, Blue And New, Blue Grass Red State, Blue Star Chronicles, Born Again Redneck, Brainster, BroadSideoftheBarn, But I Am A Liberal, California For McCain, Campaign2008VictoryA, Catskill commentator, Chas' compilation, coleCurtis-The McCain Monitor, College Republican Federation of Virginia, Conservative For Change, Curtis Schweitzer, DC Republican, Deomocrats & MediaSpin Vs. Facts, Democrats For Sale, Election 2008, Election Night HQ, Elyery Landavazo, EvangelicalsForMcCain, Falling Panda, Faultline USA, Frog Blog Of Louis la Vache, Generation X Dad, Georgians For McCain, GOP Convention Blog, Hoosiers4McCain, How I Lost My Heart, Il rumore Dei mie Venti-RDM20, Independent Jim, Iraqi For John McCain, Johnny Miller blog, Lee Volger's Political Points, Les Recettes de Louis la Vache, Liberal Republican, Liberalstein Political Limozeen, Libertas01, M-J in the Republic, MacPac08, The Mad Irish Man's Conservative Consortium, The Mad Irish Man On, Marathon Pundit, Mass For McCain, McCain Blogette, McCain Blogger Resources, McCain Blogs, McCain Jewish Coalition of Illinois, McCain Mondays, McCain Online Volunteer, McCain States, McCain Talk, McCain Volunteer, McCainHQ08 Yahoo Group, McCainiac, McCainocrats, McCainVictory08, Metaxupolis, Michael Johns, Missourians for McCain, Moms for McCain, My vast right wing conspiracy, MyMcCainBlog, Myth Debunker, New Jersey for John McCain, New Mexico for John McCain, NH4McCAIN, NJ for McCain, NY for McCain, Official McCain Blog, Ohio for John McCain, Oklahoma for John McCain, Only Electable Conservative, PA Educators for McCain, Pajama Pack, Pardon My French, Partisan American, Pennsylvania for John McCain, Pink Flamingo, Pirate's Cove, Politico Mafioso, Porter County Politics, Primary Cuts, Provocateur, Purple People Vote, Real World Libertarian, Reality Bytes, Right Wing Nation, Right Wing Sparkle, Rudy Supporters for McCain Blog, Rudy Supporters for McCain Yahoo Group, San Francisco Bay Daily Photo, Sanity 102, StandUpForMcCain, Steve Maloney GOP, Thought Stew, Todd Biggs, Tree Hugging Republican, Unite McCain Campaign, Vets 4 McCain, Vets For McCain, Virginia 4 McCain, Voting McCain 08, watersblogged!, Why McCain?, Wisconsin4McCain, With Both Hands Sheridan Folger,Slán agus beannacht leat! Go n-éirí an bóthar leat! Tommy and Mary Makem Fund, c/o Shaheen and Gordon Law Firm, 140 Washington St., Dover, N.H. 03820
HOT MySpace Layouts by Mr. Doe!

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Which Great US President Are You Most Like?
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You scored as Ronald Reagan

40th President, in office from 1981-1989 Born: 1911 Died: 2004

Ronald Reagan


Dwight Eisenhower


Franklin Roosevelt


Thomas Jefferson


John Kennedy


Theodore Roosevelt


Lyndon Johnson


Abraham Lincoln


Harry Truman


Woodrow Wilson


George Washington



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My Blog

All McCain All Day Today!

Minutes For McCain-PalinLetter From Team SarahObama lead only 2.8%!Picking On PalinRESPONSE: Obama's "Closing Argument"CNN: Your chance to ask Obama the questionsMcCain: Reid, Pelosi, Obama a 'dangero...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 04:31:00 PST

Sheridan Folger McCain Super Saturday New Hampshire!!

McCain - Super SaturdayOkay. So I&n bsp;thought I would be live bloggin g our Mini-Super Saturday.Unfortunately  we ran beh...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 11:32:00 PST

OP ED: Obama Fannie & Freddie!!

Many investors are nervous because  of the currentuncertainty in the st ock market, and the general lack&nb sp;of liquidity...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 02:50:00 PST


DEMAND AN END TO DEFICIT SPENDING!PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION NOW!!We at "Let's Get This Right" recognizethat the current economic situation is a bipartisan ...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 02:54:00 PST

Presidential Debate Facts

Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:22:00 PST


The Irish-American Republicans Convention PartySeacoast Super Saturday--How you can help Sen. McCain!"Worship me"Support Jeb Bradley for CongressMR: Of Course They HaveUnprecedented McCain AdGranite S...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 12:35:00 PST

Fathering More Lies, Pocket Of Big Oil and other Updates For The Morning

"Pocket of Big Oil" UpdateJOHN MCCAIN 2008 LAUNCHES NEW RADIO AD: "MILLIONS"NRO: Fathering More LiesFact Check: Distorting McCain's RemarksObama Played by Chicago RulesRussell Brigade e-UpdateSheridan...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 08:27:00 PST

Gown Giveaway for Military Brides

Folks I would just like to say that Heidi Janson is my official Patriot of The Week in my heart.&nbsp; What she is doing at her business is fantastic, heartfelt and should be inspiring to every Am...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 10:41:00 PST

Forgotten Heroes

    "Our Nation is fortunate to have patriots like Jack Marino and John Lebert, who had the courage to create Forgotten Heroes as a thank you for all of the Vietnam Heroes who paid the ...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 11:32:00 PST

Press Release

Don't forget Let's Get This Right is LIVE BLOGGING form McCain Head Quarters Tonight! 6-10pm  .. ..  PRESS RELEASE....  .. ..  Let's Get This Right Announces Support ....  For...
Posted by MadIrishmaninc on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 11:31:00 PST