I am descended from Native Americans on my mothers side, and on my fathers side I am a direct descendant of Daniel Boone. It is in the way that I find my understanding of ying and yang....balance of opposites. I have been beading since the first time my sister Bonnie helped me to create a cradle board for my son, who was born in 1977. It is thru my spiritual teachers that I have learned to share similarities between cultures, and in this way I have found a way to be a part of the solution, to bring people together. I live with my companion,Kendall, and together we have 3 beatiful grandchildren, with another one on the way. Kendall has 2 beatiful daughters, and I have 2 sons and 1 daughter.Our most recent family event was my "bead" birthday party which we spent at Yachats(Oregon), most of the time on the beach gathering olivella shells, and I had a giveaway. I find passion in helping others, to seek their path. I created my "business", Water of Life~ Native Creations almost 20 years ago, when I attended a "Wings, Personal Effectiveness Seminar", I wanted to do something to express my pasion and commitment. It was with this intent that I created "Water of Life" and it is my belief that "We" are the water of life, it is us or spirit, that is the water of life.When we honor out spirit, respect our beliefs, where we come from, and seek to walk in a way that is good, and to teach about "what" way to others, we are the water of life. It is this endeavor, that helps me to honor my elders, and their instruction that " we are the ones we have been waiting for", and that we share and welcome the work that needs to be done, to help others who are seeking their path. It is in this way, that we share and welcome you to be a part of this effort. We are all related, and we are family. In respect, we need to learn to care about one another, not to care FOR one another, but rather to teach persons how to care for themselves, and find balance.
Thank you for your interest in my work, and for making this connection and becomine a part of our "family"
We are located at : 126 Mollala street
Siletz, Oregon 97380(541) 351-0003 or contact Lisa directly at (541)-444-1290 Or email at: [email protected]
visit our web site. http://www.AllNativeCreations.com
Lisa Brown: Certified Prevention Specialist,Siltez Tribal Member Appointed by Siltez Tribal Council as "Gwe-Shvt-Naga" Owner/Operator of Water of Life~Native Creations