Reading, Sewing, making Chainmail, Knitting, Corochet, Bead work, Playing FFXI on the PS2, Playing Sims, Calligraphy, painting miniatures, role Playing games,
Anne McCaffrey, Orlando Bloom, Conery, Angelina Jolie, Vin Desiel,
Enya, Yanni, Classical, Battershell, Soundtracks of various kinds
The Princess Bride, Willow, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, A Knight's Tale, Pirates of the Carribean, The Incredibles, The Lion King, The Wizard of OZ, Matrix (all of them), Stargate, Aliens Vs Predator, Alien,
Quantum Leap, Sliders, Charmed, ER, X-Files, Babylon5, Ranma 1/2, Firefly, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Stargate SG-1 both of them Justice League, Teen Titans,
Dream Snake, A little Princess, Super Fudge, The Rowan Series by Anne McCaffrey, Dragonriders of PernSeries By Anne McCaffrey, The Dark is Rising Series by Susan Cooper, The Pawn of prophesy series by David Eddings, The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind
My MOM Trinity from the MATRIX, Xenchia (own personal creation) Ranma, Sister Grimm from the Runaways. Wonder Woman, Brittany from Gold Digger, Chick from AVP