Anyone who laughs like this.....Anyone who came up with this...Ever wanted to see Matt Damon do Matthew McConaughey?..
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Too many too list, but here's a new addition that I just found. This is THE MOST AMAZING guitar work these ears have ever heard!
The funniest two commercials EVER!...Here's everything that my Tivo records every single week (unless it's hiatus of course):Lost (best show ever!), Heroes (best new show of this season), House, Friday Night Lights (gotta love anything shot in Austin!), Studio 60 (please save this show!), Six Degrees, The Amazing Race (only "reality" show I watch), Entourage, Family Guy and any old episodes of Simpsons, Seinfeld or The Cosby Show before Cousin Pam showed up...she ruined everything!And of course, Extras with a few handy acting tips from Sir Ian MacKellan...That's my purse! I don't know you!I love Michael Emerson!