Alll About ME:
NaME: Ihesha
AgE: 21
BirthDay: Boxing Day
BirthPlace: North Mid (North London)
HeriTage: Jamaican
EyeColuor: Brown
HairColour: Black
HeiGht: 5" 5 (Im guessing) Dnt measure my height
WeiGht: Dont weigh myself either unless im on a diet. (Der long)
YouR FourVrite...
FooD: Curr Goat, Rice n Peas and Home made Coselaw
DrinK: Orange juice
AlcoHolic DrinK: Malibu nd Coke, Baileys (gota b sweet)
PlacE: anywhere i can relax
NumbEr: 4 (Duno, dats da 1st number dat came 2 me)
ColoUr: red, green, blue lol
ThinG To dO: enjoy myself nd laugh
SpoRt: Gym
MusiC: R&B
SoNg: Changes all da time
ArtiSt/GroUp: Changes all da time
FiLm: Diary of a mad black women
Tv ShoW: Desperate houswives at da moment
WhAT dO u LikE iN a BoY/Girl...
LoOks/BoDy TyPe: Taller den me, dark, toned, cute
PeSoNaLity: ambitious, strong, confident, funny, good sense of humour, honest, kind
Eye ColOUr: Any
HaiR ColOuR/StYle: Dark and neat
StyLe: clean, neat, confident (smart-casual)
ThIs Or ThAt...
LOoks Or pErSonaLity: Gota have both 4 def
LoVe Or MoNey: Love. but i cant live without money
MaCCy Ds or BUrger KIng: Burger King
CHoc, VaniLLA, STrawBeRry oR BaNanA: banana
PepSI or COke: Coke
sUmMer Or WinTEr: Summer
DOg Or cAT: Dnt do pets but Cats r evil. so Dog
RaNdom Qs:
r U sInGle: Nope. Im taken
MosT MisSed MemOry: Child hood
FOuvriTe PhySicAl FeatuRE: My face
YoUr GOal FoR THis Year: get good marks, save money, start driving
YoUr fEars: losing my family nd wasting my time, hard work nd money going uni
Do You DRive: No not yet
Do You Do DruGs: no of course not, my life is to valuable
DO u WaNa Get MarRied: yh one day
Do YoU WanNa HaVe CHildRen: yh
CaN yOu CoOk: yes, i can cook gOOD
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