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TO THE HUSTLER'S(The Warning)In the streets there is a school of thought that most hustler's scribe to, and that is, be true to the game and the game will be true to you.Sounds good don't it? I can't begin to count the number of times i've heard it said,that slick saying. I, for one, lived my adolescent life by these very words and wound up giving the system some of the best years of my life, my formative years. no matter how successful, i've gone to become I can never get back that time. In all actually, the game, or the LIFE as they call it, is true to nothing or nobody. You are a fool if you believe otherwise. to many times we're mislead or lead to believe these ghetto false hoods, to many times our attention has become captured by the glitz and glamour(material things) This so called game brings. We're never presented with the whole truth, the cold hard facts and the consequence. We're never given the flipside of the game. For those player's who participate in the game willing or unwilling, directley and indirectly, behind the scenes and on the front lines, your life is on the line whether you know it or not. Those that are fortunate enough to last that long,to have a long enough run in the streets. To ascend to the upper echelons of the game, to have thier names ring bells in the streets are kicked in the yard in jail, then comes the drama. Either death comes knocking at your door or"the man" comes to pay you a visit. Needless to say, "the game" is over ya heard? You lose. This aint pacman. You don't get two more men or one more life. As much work as you put in to make it, someones working double hard to take it away. In this "game", death and imprisonment are clear and present dangers that can strike at any moment. They come from some of the strangest of places, for good reasons, but more often than not for no good reason at all...(BRACE YOUSELF). I leave you with the immortal words of rapper DMX, " IT'S NOT A FUCKING GAME".