The Original Gentlemans Club profile picture

The Original Gentlemans Club

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About Me

In a dark, dark town, there was a dark, dark house, in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room, in the dark, dark room three gentlemen lived. There was a tall gentleman, a small gentleman and a curly gentleman.They spent their days drinking, sleeping, discussing how great 1979 was and also playing some music.All three had a penchant for not fucking about so they decided to record some of the glorious noise they had been making and here they are.Be good, play safe and enjoy x

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Member Since: 10/12/2006
Band Members: Bradlexxx: Guitraxxx & VocalosoloxxxMassdadonxxx: SynthonixxxStevatron: Drumulator
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None