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ShAkEdOwN StReEt

About Me

Im 19 years of age, reside in swansboro North Carolina..AKA...Shitville. I enjoy the feeling you get from listening to great music, skateboarding, good vibes, the beach, the mountains, interesting individuals. I idolize people who take nothing and make it something great. I plan on attending Wake Tech sometime soon, not sure when yet. I like to travel, something i dont get to do very often. ChelseaMS

My Interests

Music, skateboarding, new people, beauty, truth.ChelseaMS

I'd like to meet:

Muhatma Ghandi, Salvador Dali, Jerry Garcia John Lennon, Pablo Picasso, Hawthorne, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Andy Warhal, JIM MORRISON, Robert Nesta Marley, Trey Anastio. I would like to meet Ryan Adams again(RYAN ADAMS). Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Herbie Hancock, Danny Way, Andrew Reynolds, the whole Baker crew. ChelseaMS


Jam bands, Reggea, Dub, Classic Rock, Hip Hop. Basically way to many bands to type in, plus I am really LazyChelseaMS


Same as Above- the last movie I watched was PiChelseaMS




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