thaleia profile picture


When you are great, people often mistake candor for arrogance.

About Me

The Trifecta.
Ben + Sada = Fun
My Photographers
They like to take pictures of me or ANYONE that will pay them [not me]:
Some Quotes that I Like..
'Mathematics is the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.' -BRussel.
'Es mejor morir a pie que vivir arrodillado.' -EZapata.
'Mankind are governed more by their feelings than by reason.' -SAdams.
'People can misinterpret almost anything so that it coincides with views they already hold. They take from art what they already believe.' -SKubrick.
'I am not young enough to know everything.' -OWilde.
'Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.' -BGates.
'Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.' -Plato.
'Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals.' -Siddhartha.
'If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but, if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.' -SirFBacon.
'The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.' -MTwain.
'Tell me whom you love and I will tell you who you are.' -Houssaye.
'Women ain't gonna let a thing like sense fuck up they arguement.' -CRock.
'Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person.' -MVSavant.
'Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.' -OWilde.
'Life is long. You're probably not going to get hit by a bus. And you're going to have to live with the choices you make for the next 50 years.' -CRock.
A Few Things About Me (+)
♥ I laugh a lot.
♥ I treat people kindly.
♥ I float.
♥ I am an it girl.
♥ I enhance.
♥ I like people.
♥ I am super strong.
A Few Things About Me (-)
♥ nice
♥ sensitive
♥ sentimental
♥ binary
♥ innocently abrasive
♥ emotionally immature
♥ poor time-management skillz
♥ xtreme
♥ nervous
♥ paranoid
♥ autonomic
♥ inside the box
Goals for 2007
♥ Graduate for the love of god.
♥ Get ahead of Ben in numbers.
♥ Run a 5K in under 22 minutes.
♥ Run 1000 miles.
♥ Travel to Asia.
♥ Lose 80 pounds.
♥ Be able to do 12 pull-ups.
♥ Become less awkward.
♥ Become a stronger bingo player.
♥ Love my dog more.
♥ Popularize the athletic skirt.
♥ Go to a boxing match.
♥ Get a tan.
♥ Replace diet coke with water.
If you have ever made me feel happy, even for a moment, I will probably think the world of you.
I believe that everyone usually does what they perceive to be 'right', no matter how difficult it is for others to see. I try really hard to understand before I am blinded my own values.

My Interests

Yeago's MySpace Sidebar Hack

where i write less publicly.
Legal Record
white.. shades of green.
Favorite Number
Love List
chills, waking up, sweating, sleeping, nike, running, chipotle, baby animals, organization, teeth, showers, cleanliness, a made bed, camrys, rainbows, learning, connecting, clothes, shoes, perfume, lotion, watches, matching workout attire, fast, flowers, my treo, winning, water, sunny days, smiles, volleyball, track jackets, observing, cake, birthdays, tennis, golf, jewelry, bunnies, ants, parachutes, balloons, caring contact, lingerie, tumi, writing, stretching, vacuuming, being in bed, counting in songs, gun jokes, sex, ice cream, making people happy.
Combination List
potential, change, desire, feeling, finishing, complaining, weakness, emotion, control, wasting time.
Hate List
bad grammar, inefficiency, falling behind, insomnia, emptiness, self-destruction, frustration, confusion, mean people, misplaced sarcasm, cheap bathroom humor, selfish people.
♥ idiocracy ♥ stranger than fiction. ♥ buffalo '66 ♥ amadeus ♥ the graduate ♥ pumping iron ♥ screwed ♥ lord of war ♥ v for vendetta ♥ eternal sunshine ♥ kill bills ♥ shrek 2 ♥ sada ♥ belly of the beast ♥ natural born killers ♥ who framed roger rabit? ♥ adaptation ♥ anything will ferrell ♥ beetlejuice ♥ cabaret ♥ groundhog day ♥ the opposite of sex ♥ anything that makes me laugh ♥ secretary ♥
♥ Dexter ♥ Curb Your Enthusiasm ♥ Weeds ♥
pshhh.. reading is for ugly people.

2007, non-academic:
[NOTE: reading, read , [a]=audially]
The Myth of Sisyphus
A Confederacy of Dunces
Running with Scissors [a]
A Short History of Nearly Everything [a]
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Timothy Leary: An Experimental Life [a]
Scrooge McDuck
Emiliano Zapata
Videos from WIOC

Noodles on My Back

Custom (example)
Hate television and books? Have no heroes? Think movies are for losers? Just make up your own categories. Cool huh? Yes, I know. Or just delete everything after the last
, and the

I'd like to meet:

anyone or everyone.
[i think those two words are synonyms in this context.]
don't be shy - i like strangers.

My Blog

Movie Review - Shrek 3

Amazingly funny - on par with Shrek 2. Eddie Murphy is a great donkey and a fantastic comedian.The plot was kind of silly. All of the 'losers' in fairy tales.. the 'immoral' malefactors banned from ...
Posted by thaleia on Wed, 23 May 2007 05:26:00 PST

my graduation party!

i hope the people that i like can make it!Hosted By: sada mosler.When: Saturday May 26, 2007 at 4:00 PMWhere: club sada.Click Here To View Event?:>...
Posted by thaleia on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 09:31:00 PST


So, I finally graduated. Yea, I know I'm turning 25 this May, and I'm supposed to graduate at 21 or 22. I went to a video game programming school to my AS first, took a year off, lived in Europe for...
Posted by thaleia on Tue, 15 May 2007 10:49:00 PST

Cinco de Mojo Pictures

as usual, my pictures are online.cinco de mojo was a lot of fun.lots of sangria.marcus wore the costume and danced on the bar.we let the runner-up wear it during the after party.jacob had a megaphone....
Posted by thaleia on Tue, 08 May 2007 07:47:00 PST


In the past few months, I have purchased two paintings from a local artist. His style really suits me - cute bunnies, hearts, clouds, candy, umbrellas and parachutes, ants, bright colors, strong outl...
Posted by thaleia on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 08:51:00 PST

movie review: ATHF

So, this Saturday night was a night for working on graph theory, followed by a movie, followed by pretzels, followed by having people over, followed by sleep.Aqua Teen Hunger Force was an alright movi...
Posted by thaleia on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:13:00 PST

Pretzels Pictures from Saturday

Tanya, who has denied it for two years, finally came out to pretzels - I used to go there a lot when my brother was my roommate. The Trifecta came, which is alway fun - club sada followed.Anyway, her...
Posted by thaleia on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:07:00 PST

single sada

jacob, my brother, tries to make me feel uncomfortable by saying to guys - 'hi, this is my sister, single sada. single sada this is single [insert name].' it doesn't work. i usually laugh.he's in h...
Posted by thaleia on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:20:00 PST

Sean's Birthday Party

Hi,This is a link to the pictures from the birthday party.Yea, I know it's mainly of the same people, but I was just taking pictures of the people that spoke to me the most. I wasn't wandering around...
Posted by thaleia on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 10:27:00 PST


One of the 'featured videos' of today is a clip of a mass of multi-colored sheep crossing a deserted road in the desert. I hadn't thought about sheep in So long. They used to be my ultimate favorite...
Posted by thaleia on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 07:41:00 PST