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Sólarupprás means "sunrise" in one of the most beautiful and interesting languages on earth, Icelandic.
This page came about as a result of my love for ambient, laid-back, inaccessible, downtempo, experimental, and otherwise avant-garde music. Although my musical tastes run the gamut from classical to minimalist to death metal to jazz (and almost literally everything between), this type of music is what I was drawn to make by artists like Everett, Sigur Rós, and The Album Leaf. I never really intended for anyone other than a few friends to actually HEAR my music. However, once I started and people started liking what i was putting out, I decided to share my music with others. My first album came out on May 4th, 2007. You can buy it from the music store above or (hopefully) from iTunes sometime. My second album (EP) was released on December 5th, 2007. You can download it for FREE by clicking HERE .
I would love to collaborate with anyone who would like to do so. If you would like to work with me, let me know. I'm always open to a new experience.
Go check out my friends in Everett. They're MUCH better than I.
And Jason does all of my banners, album art, etc.
Wils-Dog Fantastic
Mike makes some pretty awesome music.
Other friends of mine that you should really check out.
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