ApEaRL profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

mUh fulL naMe s FloRenCe ApearL DeL FieRrO. Im a vEry frendLy gurL.-- I'm fUn tO bE witH, I lovE tryIng nEw thIngS. I likE tO chAlLEngE mYseLf anD I leArn thIngS eAsILY... (mY frIendS thInk sO...) I aM eAsY tO taLk tO and I cAn gIvE gOod advIce. WhEn it cOmeS tO friEndship, I finD iT haRd tO trUst sOmeOne bUt oNcE I'vE fOund thE riGht frIenD, I trUst thEm fOrevER!!!... But whEn I gEt aNgrY tO somEone, it's haRd fOr mE tO foRgIvE thEM. OncE I madE a dEceSiOn, I kEeP it thaT waY fOr a LOng tIme. I gEt jeaLoUs eAsILY...... I'vE nEveR haD a bOyfrIend bEcAuSE I'm aLwaYs sAvIng my heArt fOr sOmEonE whO cAn mAkE mY heArt bEat... haha!!! (I'm aLwaYs wAitIng fOr mY prIncE...:)) I'm nOt eAsY-tO-gEt likE othErs. I wilL makE sUrE thAt I'm inlOvE wiTh thE guY bEfoRe I gO fOr iT! I'm aLwaYs lOokInG fOr sOmEone whO's gEntLemAn, nIcE, swEet, thOughtfUL aNd hOnEst!!! I'm iRrItatIng tO pEopLe thOsE whO arE aSkIng mE qUestIonS manY tImEs I'vE aLreadY aNsWerEd anD thOsE wHo arE dIctatInG mE whAt I shOuLd oR shOuldn't dO!!! I aLsO haTe anYonE whO arE jUdgIng mE bUt thEy dOn't knOw mE thAt welL!!! UnLeSs, yOu arE pReTtY sUre thAt yOu'vE knOwn mE fOr 5 yEarS!=) I'm nOt gIvEn uP anD lEt gO sOmEthIng eAsILY aS welL, evEn I fInd iT haRd... My frIenDS aRe reAlLY iMpOrtAnt tO mE and I aPprEciAtE whAt I haVE, sOmEtImEs I ovEr rEact and thAt's bEcAusE I'm sEnsItIvE. If vAcAtIoN, I usUalLY gO ouT w/ mY frIendS 2 daYs iN 1 wEek! ThE 5 daYs lefT, I'd rAthER staY iN thE hOusE whOLe daY.... (pLaYiN gUitAr, heArIng mUsIc, sUrfIng thE nEt, tExtIng anD sLeEpIn!!) I rEalLY lOvE tO sLeEp!I'm aCtUalLY sLeEp 12-15hrs iN 24 hrs... hehehehe......aNd wOoOpS... f u wNt 2 KnOw mOrE 'bOut me Juz bUzZ mE @ [email protected] Or [email protected].. I riLi aPPrEcI8 it mUh frEndzZzZ....! takE cArE...uuuu;) mUuWaAaHhHh.....

My Interests

FriEndS, mUsIc, mOuntaIn cLimbIng, ShOoPinG, mOviEs, fOoDs, gUitaR, PiAnO, bOwLlinG, sWiMmInG, InTeRnEt, mAlLs, travElLIn, baGs, cLoTheS, sAndALs, rUbBeR shOeS, cDs, sLeEpin....

I'd like to meet:

SoMebOdY hU cAn makE mE lauGh.. A hUrmUrOuS or fuNnY pErsOn.. ofcOurSe a frieNdLy oNe lyK mE!!!....


PoP, RaP & BalLads, cLasSiCs, melLow, rOmaNtIc & lOvE sOngS..... sIngErS....., AaRoN CaRtER, FiRehOuSe, MiChAeL JaCkSoN, bOnjOvI, WeStLiFe, NsYnC, A1, baCkstReEt bOyS, LiNkIn PaRk, F4, thE cOoRS, cReEd, BriTnEy SpEarS, MaNdY MoOrE, AvrIL LaViGnE, CrIstInA AgUiLerA, DaMaGe, SavaGe GarDen, MiChaeL LeArnS to rOck, BeAtLes, bOyzOnE, eXt3m, bRiAn AdAmS, SeLinA, CeLinE DiOn, MarIah CaReY, JiM BrIcKmAn, nOt tO fOrgEt CHICAGO!!!! I likE thE sonGs, "DrEaMinG of yOu" and "I beLieVe I cAn fLy" bUt mY mOsT faV. sOngS~~~YoU'rE thE InSpiRatIoN aNd LoVE Of a LifEtImE!!!.....


M.I., MatRix, FaCe-oFf, EnEmY @ thE gaTeS, BehiNd EnEmY LinEs, The ExOrCiSt, hOmE aLonE, deNnIs thE mEnAce, ThE NuTtY prOfFesoR, MuLaN, BeAutY and thE beAst, & A.I. b'cOz that mOviE's reMind mE Of soMebOdy..


SUpEr GaLs, HaNnA YoRi DaNgO


HaRrY PotteR & MaGaZinEs...


My PriNcE...;) hehehehe.....

My Blog


 A girl and a guy were ridding on a motorcycle, GIRL: Please stop, we're going too fast!!! GUY:no, i know what i'm doing and ur having fun right? GIRL: NO! PLEASE STOP! GUY:Fine, first tell me u ...
Posted by ApEaRL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Love Problem... WhO IS Mr. RIGHT?!?

The Love Problem.. WhO IS Mr. RIGHT? The LOVE PROBLEM WHO IS MR. RIGHT? Author by: IZENWAYNNE V. MAGALLANES 0918 3854392 @ 6429081 There are times when the one thing you want is the one thi...
Posted by ApEaRL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"Secret Love"

If I could only say I love you to tell you how much I care but I don't want to let you know 'coz I know you wouldn't mind I'd tried to take you out of my mind but your face appear in my sight ...
Posted by ApEaRL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST