sing a lot,play volleyball,dance a bit,cook a little,surf d net,,[of couRse boYs!!]
pErSoNaLlY iD lIkE tO mEeT:id like somebody w/ comPlEtE SensE of hUmor..kNoWs how to cArrY himslF,.haS a gOod taSTe whEn iT comES to fAshion,,hAs pErfEct SEts of TeEth,,,has A gReAt, dEadlY sMilE,,has pReTtY cHiniTO eYeS..shoulD havE a gOod voice(lIke mE).. knoWs h0w 2 plAy thE guItAr and sOrT of bRAinY thAn mE..he shoUld aLso bE thOughtFul,,hoNeSt oF couRse..pRomIsE kEePer and AlsO gEntLeMAn,,,and lAst bUt not tHe lEAst Has thE mAgic tHAt coulD mElT My hEArt,,its better if you have supreme sweetness and kindness to the max...the rest will just be simply figured out bY my hEaRt,,,
anything that resounds to my ear..[RnB, sEnti, aCoustIc, roCk, rAp, teChnO, sOuL, rEgGaE..] wEll i l0vE thE soUndS of BriTnEy SpEarS in PArtIcuLAr coZ I ADore hEr so mUch..i Als0 listEn 2 d MuSic oF eVaNeScEnCe, LFO, AaRoN CaRtER, LiGhThOuSe FaMiLy, eMiNeM, N-sYnC, A1, baCkstReEt bOyS, LiNkIn PaRk, d cOrRS, cReEd, MaNdY MoOrE, AvrIL LaViGnE, ChrIstInA AgUiLerA, DaMaGe, SavaGe GarDen, MiChaeL LeArnS to rOck, bOyzOnE, bRiAn AdAmS, CeLinE DiOn, MarIah CaReY, JiM BrIcKmAn, jLo, uShER, jaY-Z, mIsSy ElLiOt, aLanIs MoRiSeTtE, BliNk 182, nElLy, uNcLe KrAcKeR, tAmIA, sNo0p doGg, hANSon, thE cAlLinG, p. dIdDy, pInk, mAdDonA, sAntAna, EdwiN mCcAiN, hOobAstAnk, bAbyFAce, mOniCA, N.E.R.D., lEnNy kRAVitZ, jAnET jAckSon, mArOon 5, 50 cEnt, 98 degReEs, aEroSmiTh, aIr suPplY, aLl AmeRicAn reJecTS, AshAntI, brEatHe, bOyZ 2 mEn, gOo Go0 dOlLs, eVAn And JAroN, D12, dEstinY's ChiLd, TLC, hiLaRY dUff, fIvE fOr FighTinG, mIchElLe bRanCh, fIvE, nAthAliE imBrugLiA, jEwEl, k-Ci and JojO, jOrDan knighT, liMp bIzKit, LinkIn pArk, bRiAn McKniGht, M2M, cRaiG dAvId, mAtcHboX 20, dR. dRe, mYA, nO dOubT, dIdO, nIrvAna, oUtKAst, StacIe oRriCo, jEnNifEr love hEwItT, pLus onE, rEd hoT cHiLi pEpPeR, keLlY r0WlAnd, LeAnN rImEs, S clUb, AaLiYaH, SeEthEr, MaRtInA mCbRiDe, sHakIrA, mAdIsOn aVeNuE, sIsQo, bLaCk eYeD pEaS, SixPEncE nOnE thE rIcHEr, vErTiCaL HoRiZoN, sTinG, KeLiS, wIlL sMiTh, cOlD PlAy, slIpkNoT, jOrdaN hIlL, sPicE giRlS, tAtA yOunG, bElLeFiRe, SuGabAbEs, T.A.T.U., u2, cAll CAedmoN, kAvAna, nEw fOunD gLorY, c0dE rEd, nEw rAdicAls, jOey mCcinTyRe, hUman NAtUre, sUgAr rAy, hOneyZ, gAbriElLe, aLL sAintS, sTepS, lEft Eye, jOe, In0j, atomiC kiTteN, blUe, jOhn MAyEr, branDy, iNcUbuS, jEnNifEr PAigE, vAnEsSA cARltOn, JeSsIcA sImpSon, fOo fIghTers, Li'L kIm, maRy J. BliGe, sTephEn SpeAks, pHil COlLinS, soN bY foUr, FAiTH HiLl, sEmiSonIc, Jada, wYclEf, d SounD, biC rUnGA, dIshWallA, jAmEliA, sHeRyL cRoW, bacheloR girL,,,pIn0y mUsIc :: hAlE, rIvErmAyA, pAroKyA nI eDgAr, bAmBoO, kYlA, hEArt EvAngEliStA, aKafElLAs, sOuThbOaRdER, sIde a, fReEstYlE, W.Y.R.D., nIna, mOoNsTar 88, sPonGe cOla, M.Y.M.P., kItcHiE nAdAl, E-hEaDs, YmAn, tRuE FAitH, vIktorIA, ReGinE V., fRuitCAke, iNtroVoyS, kaia, dIce & k9, MOSES ANCESTORS (ng UNC)...
[city of angels,,heAd oVeR hEeLs,,tHe SoUnd Of MusIc,,tHe eXoRciSt,,naKed wEapoN,,housE on haUntEd hiLL,,vaN hElsiNg,,wHat lIeS bEnEath,,dRacUla 2000,,i KnoW wHaT yOu dId lAst sUmMeR,,tHe tRaNsPoRtEr,,lEgaLlY bLonDe,,a WalK tO rEmEmbEr,,bLAdE I&II,,sPykIds,,hArRy pOtTeR fiLms,,bRide of ChUcKiE,,tHe fIfTh ElEmEnT,,eVeRafTer,,MI,,I rObOt,,mAtRix,,pArEnt TrAp,,rIchIe RicH,,hAlLoWeEn ResUrRecTiOn,,fReE WiLlY 2, rOmEo mUsT diE,,mY bEstFriEnDs WeDdInG,,tHe tUxEdo,,mUmMy RetUrnS,,bRucE aLmiGhTy,,tRuE liEs,,cAsPeR,,pEarl HArBoR,,gHosTsHiP,,8 miLe,,cHarLie'S AnGeLS,,tHe sWeEtEst ThinG,,FinAl dEstinAtioN,,KiLL biLL fiLms,,rUnAwAy bRiDe,,CrAvE tO ThE GrAvE,,nEw YoRk MiNuTe,,PaYcHeCk,,WiNdStRuCk,,My SaSsY gIrL,,10 thiNgz i hAte ab0ut y0u,,50 firSt dATes,,nEver bEeN kIsSed..]
the bachEloReTTe..arT AttacK,,kNocK fIrSt..a simPle LifE,,MTV,,mArtIn MysTery,,ThE GrIm AdVenTuReS Of BiLlY And ManDy,,baby LoOnEy TunEs,,Tom AnD jErRy,,kIdS NexT DoOr,,p0wEr pUfF gIrlS,,hI hI pUfFy AmI yUmI sHoW..
fiction..[pocketbooks]..ArChIe.., FHM, cAnDy MAgAZinE, mYthOloGicAl rElAtEd, coMpuTer rElAted,,tHe Da ViNcI c0dE,,