Bully Police USA aims to protect children all over America from the dangers of bullying. It was founded by Brenda High after her son Jared killed himself just 6 days after his 13th birthday. "Bullycide", as it has come to be known, has taken the lives of hundreds of children across the world and is claiming more victims. Please become a partner in making bullying history, instead of " just another part of childhood".
For more information visit www.Bullypoliceusa.org or www.bullypolice.net to view your states laws on bullying.SCHOOL BULLY - from the Victim's point of view Refusal (not inability) to think rationally about themselves and others Small scale Terrorist, with behavior mostly taking place during school time Justifies harmful activities towards others with self psychological excuses ("I want to appear tough and in control") Enjoys enforcing power on others and causing extreme fear Over-bearing person who tyrannizes the non-violent and physically less strong To rule by intimidation, terror Threatens or acts violence on others
Facts about bullying
90% of students felt being bullied caused social, emotional, or academic problems. (Studies show, both bullies & victims have problems later in life because of bullying. 69% of students believe schools respond poorly to reports of bullying. Three out of four students report that they have been bullied. Each month over 250,000 students report being physically attacked. The five worst States for bullying, according to Surveys, are: (46) Connecticut, (47) Maine, (48) Washington, (49) Montana & (50) New Hampshire. The five worst States, according to population, student enrollment and Dan Olweus, Ph.D., Study Percentages (1982-3) are: (46) Illinois, (47) Florida, (48) New York, (49) Texas & (50) California.
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