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Why do they kill my sandwiches by putting pickles in 'em? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY???!!!

About Me

.. .. I have nothing to say. Maybe later. My favorite day is Thursday because the next day's Friday. Friday's are never as good as you would hope them to be. I don't like Fridays because the next day is Saturday. Saturdays always suck because of Sundays, the day where you can't really enjoy yourself because you're too busy thinking about what you have to do on Monday. It's a little sad though, I mean if I was a day I definitely wouldn't want to be Monday. Everyone would hate me but it's not like it's my fault people start working on my day. Geez man, don't start hating just because you chose to start the week on my day. You could've picked Sunday (since that's the beginning of a calendar week and allllllllll but noooooooo). Then again, no one gives a shit about Tuesdays and if Sundays were to become Mondays, I'd end up having to be Tuesday. I'd rather people hate me than not care at all. So I guess I'm glad to be Monday. Feels good to be me. There's never anything good to eat when I'm hungry. I have no excuse for being bored. I've never been to a slaughterhouse. Does anyone want to come with me? I'd probably need an oxygen mask or something. I like turtles. I wouldn't like them as much if they were fast walkers. Hmmm...maybe I'll start walking slow. Wait, I already tried that. Walking slow sucks. People start staring at you and somehow you can read everything their thinking. Then you hope they can read your mind saying, "I just had surgery okay. That's why I can't walk as fast as you so stop giving me a what the hell's wrong with you look". It's a good thing though; Forcefully being slowed down in life gives you more time to take in your environment, talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to only because you have no other way of avoiding them. But then after that conversation, you wish you could've made the time for people before instead of wondering whether you should even say hi to them while they walk pass you. Well, Helloooooooooooooo! To anyone I haven't said hi to because I couldn't get the nerve to say hi to you in your face. Either because of some dark past we have together or because you used to get made fun of in highschool and saying hello would be an automatic lowering of my status. But see, that was all back when I was stupid and cared about what other stupid people thought of me. I'm still stupid but you know, I've gotten better. I probably shouldn't say I'm stupid because I might start believing it blah blah blah. I am the smartest person in the world. I am smarter than a North Korean. Whatever, I could make a bomb if I really wanted to. I AM NOT A TERRORIST and if I was I'd want everyone to call me SHANNON, THE TERRORIST. So what do you have to do to get into the Terrorist club?It must be freezing in Sweden right now. Is there a colder word for "freezing"? Hmmm Anyway I spread my love to the slice of bread of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have nothing else to say. Only this, If I had permission to take over the world, I would kill every single person living in it. I joke I joke I love people. They're great. However, I will make recycling mandatory! I was seriously joking about killing people. So nobody get freaked out or anything. Hmm maybe I should just delete that sentence. Whatever, that's all I have to say. This is stupid. Okay nobody read this. It's too late. shit. okay bye.enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" style='display:none' autostart='true' loop='1'..

My Interests

Dance. Think a lot. Think a lot about dance. Eat. Think about food. Find places to eat at. Wine with friends and just talk. Chocolate. Paint my room. Sew. Take naps. Take showers. Pluck my eyebrows. Eat rice. Stare at my lava lamp. Oh yes, and cutting mushrooms! Oh, I like the way it makes me feel to cut mushrooms...sooooo soft...slice by slice satisfaction every slice!Gay clubs are the shiznads. But it leaves you feeling kind of lonely at the end of the night, looking at all those men sucking face. Makes you want go to straight clubs more often and when you finally do go to a straight club you remind yourself of why you love going to gay clubs in the first place. I'm glad I have a man.

I'd like to meet:

Do you mean meet online? or meet in person? like a famous person or something? Well, I wanna meet everyone on this planet. And everyone on other planets. And I want to meet Christopher Columbus and kill him and burn everyone on the ship. I would also like to meet the main guy in the movie Amistad because I wanna give him a massage. I wanna meet the tea pot in Beauty in the Beast so I can ask her for advice. Who else... Oh yeah I wanna meet my family from my dad's side...before I die...or before they die. Oh yeah I wanna meet my dad too. haha jk jk, I met him already. I wanna meet a guy who can teach me how to skateboard. Oh, and Angelina Jolie's asian kid. Hmm not really. I'd rather meet Gandalf. And that Japanese guy who eats a lot for a living.


Whatever I'm in the mood for, really. It's endless. I don't feel like listing everything. If I listed only one artist, I'd have to list them all. People who are reading this might say, "Well why don't you just name a couple?" Well...because narrowing music down to only a couple is quite simply...impossible. Bjork's the shit though...


A lot of 'em. Probably the same as what everyone else puts on their list. Well not everyone. Some people put really stupid movies on their list. Well that's not true either. I even like stupid movies. Well then I suppose I'd have to tell you what my definition of stupid is to know what movies I think are stupid...ehhh...


Stopped watching. Direct TV sucks! Especially on a windy day dammit. But I will admit I loooovvvee Fairly Oddparents. Oh Timmy. And no, I'm not trying to be cooler than everyone just because I said I stopped watching TV okay so shut up and let me write whatever I wanna write...You have your space I have MY SPACE.Besides ever since I stopped watching TV(and we're talking 6 hrs. a day), I realized how little time I have to do what I want to do in life.


I remember the books but don't remember the titles. I should probably remember the titles. Then again just because you come up to me and make a reference of a book through the title, it doesn't mean you're smarter than me. It just means you know the title.


Trees. If only they could talk to me. And they're all dying dammit! I need to start planting...People who are passionate about what they do (take Hitler for example) Now don't start assuming shit... And miss Piggy. She was a childhood hero...Back when I had the biggest crush on Kermit. "Ohhhhh Kermy" I secretly wanted to have an affair with Beaker.

My Blog


I joke I joke. I just wanted to get all the gossip lovers worked up&muahahaha I hate having to use other people's phones. Ugh, having to smell everyone's spoiled spit. It reminds me of a friend of min...
Posted by ShannoN on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 11:48:00 PST

Question of the Day...

What is God? Most people have a difficult time trying to answer this question for fear of being judged by other people or maybe fearing their answer isn't right so it's safer to not say anything at al...
Posted by ShannoN on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 07:20:00 PST

***----Tribute to Food----***

Tribute to Food Topic of the week: Rice I love Rice. I grew up on it&. Most of my meals consisted of 80% rice with 20% of anything else to complement rice. You name it: Short grain, long grain&stick...
Posted by ShannoN on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 06:55:00 PST


 It makes me nervous, being a receptionist. Every time that phone rings I feel like pooping.  Oh gosh, stomach aches in public. Weird, that feeling of pooping. The feeling you dread whenever...
Posted by ShannoN on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:32:00 PST


I'm okay. I'm okay. I wish I could stop trying to convince myself how okay I am. I never learn. Going downhill from the ditch I thought was the lowest point I could ever put myself in. Just breathe&E...
Posted by ShannoN on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 06:02:00 PST

A really short Bear story

I'm a tad stressed.  A bit fogged up. A wee smogged up. Today I found out the stuffed bear I butchered cost $150.  There's this teddy bear at our house. It just sits there in the corner on t...
Posted by ShannoN on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 07:37:00 PST