Music and live shows, Design, Illustration, Art, Photography, Painting, Drawing, Snowboarding, Biking,
Creative People
I like such a huge variety of music, its tough to list them all. Right now I'm diggin' on Ben Harper, Pearl Jam, The Fastbacks, Ghostland Observatory, Jackie Greene...RADIO & Other Music: Sirius, PANDORA,, ETREE
Lost Highway, Swingers, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Donnie Darko, Being John Malkovich....there's just too many to music.
Prison Break, Breaking Bad, Heroes, Dexter, 24, Survivor, Amazing Race, Weeds, Reaper, Simpsons, Family Guy, DOOL, Anything on TLC, SCI, DSC, Travel, History, OVATION... and so on.oh and HDnet RULES!
Anything by: Charles Bukowski, Sanders, Vonnegut ,Umberto Eco, Gregory MaguireArt Books, Photography Books, Books on design, advertising, and marketing. Branding & Identity. Typography, Color Theory, PaintingZines: RELIX, HOW, COMPUTER ARTS, PRINT, THE NATION
musicians, artists, and anyone that has a positive effect on me, or influences my art in some way shape or form.