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About Me

I'm Jenni, few things about me at

Besides that, I've nearly finished my a-levels, few more months to go...ey long summer! and then a bit of a party year, sun sand and sea...bliss! PARTY!
I LiKe ...
I. Heart.Charlotte and of course Matthew
BRIGHT colours, mmm yellow
SunShine..Memories...'moments' they're pretty good :-) ...girlie natters with ice cream and a DVD
GREEK nights in with FRENCH bree
Walking in the RaIn when its still bright
BIG love for Chesney Hawks, I am the One and Only
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
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I dislike...
people who look down their noses thinking they are amazing
...they then go on being prejudice cos they're jealous
..*..sand in my shoes..*..very irratating and a swear it lasts for ever..well almost
REALLY nice clothes that don't fit anymore
RuDe people
beer & wine...and champagne, its all about the cocktails, last resort at an attempt to look classy
FoReIgN fAsHiOn...
You're pretty damn Normal. You like Emo, but...
there's other music out there for you. You're
damn cool.
What Kind of Emo Kid are You?
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Just to prove to Seb I'M NOT EMO! :o) just normal, and i like it, i like it a lot.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests


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Fucking hell this song gets annoying...