The Avante-Garde.
The other side
'Sometimes I go too far. Excessive life, excessive with death. I remember when I was almost myself, we were almost for real.'
Everybody. Anybody. Nobody.
The person that flatters me as much as they make my soul bleed.
"I think you are too intelligent for this generation. You're creative, deep, intellectual. I can carry on a conversation with you about things no one else cares about. You're beautiful, inside and out, in your own eccentric way. You don't follow all of society's rules. You're different and original. You're amazing and there's much no one knows about you but I'd like to try and see."-DMJ to me, April '07.
I'm currently working on TWO novels.
this novel of hallucinations and semi-delusional introspection, is intended to be a personal milestone.
Almost completely abstract, yet pieced together intricately to form a whole.
This tale recounts a rather beautiful womans' downfall into insanity, schizophrenia, and eventual psychosis, interspersed by the company of a mysterious figure whom she falls in love with, yet despises for the madness that he is ensuing upon her.
(& yes, that is my pseudonym)
Kozmic, underground, psychedelic, experimental, jazz, classic rock, space rock.
Underground Antipodes
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Poet at Apartment 8.
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Tim Burton's works, underground films.
French Symbolism, Surrealism, prose, abstract, Victorian, beatnik poetry, etc.etc...
'Sometimes ya miss...whoever you cannot see, sometimes ya wish you could be someone you could never be, sometimes you think you see what you would miss if it were yours and begone, and sometimes ya miss what was yours and begone, and sometimes ya just miss what will never belong.'
Acknowledging my dearest friends..
Uncertain of what to say here...
My muse, lover, artistic companion, and shining light in life..
Despite what has happened, I will always consider you a close friend to me. You are a person I will never forget for reasons that I will always look back upon fondly.
I really hope that some day you believe what I've told you already.
Bob Swanson
The weirdest brother I've never truly had.
Tena Mafia
The most adorable 4'9" person I will ever know. ^_^
Dharma Son Collective's most persevering supporter, my far-away friend..
Jessica Sturnick
She's been there for the most part through more than I need to mention..
A former blackmarket connection gone runaway now juvenile delinquent.
An original DSC member and local martian
We met under certain, odd circumstances, it seemed to have taken what happened for us to become more like friends...
you've always treated me with kindness and respect. I thank you for that.
Dan 'Easter PP' Comer
I gave you your nickname. Yet I'm surprised we remember the night I did. We had some wild times in the streets, and I don't think it's gonna stop now.
Tahlyn Way
she's obviously pretty awesome, she made me a sign. =]
Meagan Kellis
A friend from Ohio who's very dear to me, whom I hope never to lose contact with...
Brandon is awesome, 'cause Brandon likes Bubba cola. So do I.
Needless subliminal information
Status: In love
Birthplace: Nights' Plutonian Shore
Live/Die: Neither