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About Me

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Hi for those of you that don't know me, my name is Anthony Bartels but I go by Tony. I am from a really small town in south east Nebraska and grew up around cattle and farming my whole life. I enjoy the country life tremendously. I live in Lincoln now but only for work and school, but I still prefer the country. I do enjoy the parties up here in Lincoln though. The way I see it is life is only as fun as you make it so why not go out and have fun with it. You can't take the money you make working with you when you die anyway.

My Interests

Family, Friends, Farming, Sports, Trucks, and Drinking.

I'd like to meet:

ANYONE AND EVERYONE. The more people you know the easier it is to have fun.
.. You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow. Roguish,quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three.

Captain Jack Sparrow


Lara Croft


Indiana Jones




James Bond, Agent 007


El Zorro


The Amazing Spider-Man


Batman, the Dark Knight


The Terminator


William Wallace


Neo, the "One"

Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with


Country bc its the best, some pop, rock, alternative, and old rock.


Don't watch many anymore, but Hitch, Bad Boys 2, SWAT, any action movie, anything really.


Friday Night Lights, Two a days, Nip/Tuck, One Tree Hill, Smallville, Dirt, and Future Weapons


Boy's Life, the Sound of Sight, and the Bible.


My Parents, Grandpa Bohling, Uncle Butch, and my little cousins bc if I am there HERO then they keep me from doing stupid shit which makes them my hereos as well.