Dance, Partying, Singing, make-up, make-overs, TV..movies...and on ...and on ...and on...
Anyone who'll meet me ! Taking Back Sunday's signer (fucking hot) Maryline Monroe! (i know she's dead)
Mostly pop a little of punk a small part of rap. I HATE COUNTRY MUSIK!!!
STEP-UP,TAKE THE LEAD, SAW1,2...PI 3 (meh el 2etais el best) you gotta love a good chik-flik, mais hey on s'entend jaime ben el suspense pi les action movies.
Sex an the city!!!! Meme si le saison sont fini haha jecoute les re-runs.C-S-I
Bof faudrai kej finisses el DaVinci Code...wai je c chu en retard su sa mais o well ma le lire un jour!!