try me
b grade zombie movies. guy ritchie films, Spike Lee films, bio dome, Kevin Smith films, Freddy Cruiger themed films, old school animated films- disney stuff, new school animated films- pixar/disney stuff home made films of wrapping nat up in gladwrap and throwing her in the pool after pelting her with eggs, other peoples ballet recital films from 1991, and eveything in between.
simpsons,Heroes,arrested developement, futurama, family guy, spicks and specks, world news, documentaries, entograge, scrubs....all those shows that no one hates.
i wrote a biography on alicia... and as awesome as it is.. id have to say anything by hunter s thompson, Douglas Adams, Toby Litt, Stephen King, that australian guy who wrote Blueback. and more.
anyone who knows or has anything to do with alicia... especially her parents- the loins which bared the fruit. oh and big kev coop skates!