Sugar. And Spice. And Everything.
How happy is the blameless vessel's lot?
The world forgetting by the world forgot
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Each prayer accepted and each wish resigned
(Alexander Pope)
Dance, Monkeys, Dance ((watch it or die))
I'd like to meet:
someone with no need for explanations or excuses
[♥].. ♥ .[♥]. ♥.. [♥]
twin sister from another mister..
my hubby
colam.. the spinach man
the evil one
poopy poo E
hot rod
friendship needs no words... (Dag Hammarskjold)
word on the street is..
my nonah, my grandpa, Terrance, Breonna, Dominick, Bob, and all of the other Bobs who are named something else..
I am 48% White Trash.
.. The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense. Take the
White Trash Test
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