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About Me

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(001) Your gender: Male
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight
(003) Single?: Yep
(004) Want to be?: Yes i do actually summers round the corner and i cant wait to get on it.
(005) Age?: 21
(006) Age you wish you were?: 18, only coz u have no responabilities, no worries about money, and no uni work!how cool is that and i know all of u agree with me
(007) Your label?: dont know waht u mean
(008) Your height?: 6ft 4 i hope u mean how tall am i and not!!!! lol
(009) Your eye color?: dont know and cant be arsed luking
(010) Any piercings?: no
(011) Any tattoos?: no
(012) Smoke: yes i do and people keep telling me to stop but i actually enjoy smoking
(013) Drink: no i dont agree with drinking.its bad for u! wait sorry didnt mean to say that, if truth b known i love getting pissed alot more than i shud do seen as im a sports student
(014) Do drugs: me??? no way.
(015) Read the newspaper: yes the pictures in the sun give me a wide scope of whats going on in world affairs
(016) Talk to strangers who IM you: not really but i have beenknow to if they are gud luking
(017) Like to walk in the leaves: no never even crossed my mind to do something like that but next time im mashed i'll have ago and tell u all what its
(018) Take walks in the rain: no thats just stupid id get pissed wet through.
(019) Drive: yes and im getting better at it im still on car number 3 in just over 14 months, i didnt smash the other two the motorway barriers came out at me.HONESTLY.
(020) Like to drive fast?: yea who doesnt
(021) Hurt yourself: not self harming no,but when i cumin in from a nyt jumping around in a club,i feel like iv done some damage to myself or after a gud wrestle!lol
(022) Have a job: yep barman
(023) Like who you are: I'm like the greatest man on the earth. im the man who discovered the wheel. lol
(024) Consider love a mistake: Not at all
(025) Base your judgement on looks alone: i base my first judegment on luks yeah.and before anyone starts saying omg, i hav an explaination for my words and then tell me if im wrong, when ur out and u see someone u like and start talking to them, u dont go over coz they have a nice personalility (u dont know them yet) u go over coz they luk there u go luks defo hav a big part of ur judgement but personalility and all that other stuff do cum into it after.
(026) Do you like/love someone?: yeah i like a few people
(027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?: yeah bin caught having sex,was little werid.erm... thats about it coz im a gud boy and dont do things im not supposed to. hahahaha
(028) Been in love: yep
(029) Done drugs: as i said before me??? never
(030) Gone skinny dipping: no i havent actually but i'll add it to the things to do before i die
(031) Had a surgery: no
(032) Ran away from home: yea when i was about 7 and my mum even helped me pack my bags, i didnt even get out my front door
(033) Played strip poker: dont understand poker it bores me
(034) Gotten beat up: yeah once or twice only coz i dont think before opening my mouth
(035) Been on stage: yeah im primary school i played badger in wind and the williow,jack in jack and the beanstalk and willy wonka in willy wonka and the choclate factory i think the drama teacher fancyed me.
(036) Slept outdoors: iv bin camping once or twice
(037) Pulled an all-nighter: well there have been more than one occations when iv found myself up at stupid o'clock in the moring and the feeling is not gud.
(038) Talked on the phone all night: yep its one of my bad habits when im pissed
(039) Had an X-ray: yes when i broke my leg as youngster
(040) Had detention: all the time in high school coz i thought i was a clever cunt being the class clown.
(041) Been suspended: yep for wearing a gold chain how poor is that?
(042) Been Expelled: never.nice quite lad me.
(043) Slept all day: every day im a student
(044) Killed someone: think im on the way to coz i keep introcuing people to
(045) Made out with a stranger: yeah i shudnt own up to this but i got off with a fat bird in goodgreef in manchester shes was massive. Beer thats my excuse
(046) Had sex with a stranger?: hahahahaha no comment!!!
(047) Kissed the same sex: no
(048) Done anything sexual with the same sex? no
(049) Been betrayed: yeah a few times
(050) Broken the law: everytime i walk out my door i think i do but nothing major.
(051) Been arrested: i got arrested for assualt and charged when i was 16.
(052) Been on radio/TV: no again is on my list of things to do.although i did apply to b on fun house but my school would let me have the time off.
(053) Been in a mosh-pit: no wud never get myself into that situation
(054) Had a nervous breakdown: no, my heads to far up my own arse to worry about things. how honest am
(055) Been criticized about your sexual performance: lol yeah i'll b a man and say yes i have,even if they havent bin told most people have.
(056) Had a dream that kept coming back: yeah about a spaceship going to a planet but i was in it and waws getting chased by giant bubbles.i know sounds werid but is true.
(057) Seen your favorite band play: not band but dj yes on many occassions the one the only MR EDDIE HALIWELL. 'fire it up'
(058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses: yes i have a pair of aviator sunglasses just like the american cops.
(059) Worn a huge hat: cant say i have
(060) Judged other people by their clothing: lol yeah do it all the time.
(061) Been told you have good taste: sometimes but then again iv also bin told to sort my head out and actually think about what iv just said.
(062) Been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: no
(063) Been used?: yeah
(064) Been in an abusive relationship?: never dont agree with it.
(065) Life on other planets: ermm... dont really care never going to see or find out so not arsed
(066) Miracles: yeah i do
(067) Astrology: n/a
(068) Magic: well i know that i can make something of mine disappear into other people things and then bring it back so yeah i suppose u cud call that magic. lol
(069) God: no he's just a gas. hes a made up person.
(070) The Devil: I belive in the red devils. The one and only Manchester United.
(071) True Love: not think there is such a thiong but who knows maybe one day i will.
(072) Ghosts: no, come on dont b stupid
(073) Rebirth: i like to think that something happens to u but its highly unlikely
(074) Love at first sight: i belive in wanting to fuck someone at first sight not love.
(075) Ying and Yang?: no again something stupid that people have made up
(076) Witches: no
(077) The Easter Bunny: yeah he was road my house the other day, he came fvor a brew and a chat about global warming.
(078) Santa Clause: no but i do belive in captain insano, if ur one of my mates u'll now what i mean.
(079) What do you find romantic?: erm.... lots of things
(080) What are your turn-on's?: wow,theres loads red underwear has to be the top dog.girls that hav that on im like a little school boy in a sweet shop
(081) What are your turn-off's?: Feet
(082) What is best about the opposite sex?: arse girls u have got to hav a nice arse. i just make me tick.
(083) What is best about the same sex?: loyalty
(084) What is the last present someone got you?: an easter egg
(085) What makes you happy?: beer,football, no uni, money, boobs, nice bum, girls and beer.
(086) What is your B-day?: 17/09/1985
(087) What is your favorite movie?: There's so many i cant be made to pick just one
(088) What is your favorite band?: Dj wud b Eddie then Marco V
(089) What is your favorite type of movie?: Action or comedy
(090) What is your favorite season?: Summer time and its just round the corner
(091) What is your favorite month?: July i think dont know why it just is
(092) What is your favorite Holiday?: Xmas time theres alot of parting invovled in a 3week period its amazing.
(093) What is your favorite language?: English
(094) What is your favorite thing to do?: Drink and try my luk with people.
(095) What is your favorite color(s)?: RED
The Who's...
(096) Your best friend(s): Birdo or buz
(097) The one person you can trust with any thing?: Birdo
(098) Your favorite singer?: Not got one
(099) Your favorite Actor?: Will Farrel
(100) Your favorite Actress?: Jennifer Love Hewitt oh my god she is fucking amzing she is number one in my womens list and it wud take one hell of a women to take that number one spot away from her shes bin there for aboput 2-3years now.
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My Interests

Love getting absoulty pissed!! Who doesnt????? and if you dont u should be ashamed of urseleves!

I'd like to meet:

Eddie haliwell, Ricky Forbis, I'd say god but then again hes just a gas!!!!!lol " ..EDDIE @ GODSKITCHEN


Trance, hardhouse, funky ande dirty house!!! ''they make me smile!!!!!''
HOT Myspace Layouts


Scarface, Lockstock and two smoking barrels, Lucky number sleven!!!


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HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Dont read apart from my uni books! which even then ull find it hard to c me reading them!!!


Not got any really! erm.......... JUST EDDIE!! Eddie mixing Mauro Picotto into Loops n Things Relooped ..

My Blog


How brainy would we say americans r????? on a scale 1 being the lowest e.g as brainy as a fucked monkey that cant even get a banana out its skin and 10 the being the highest e.g lets say dolphin with ...
Posted by Keanu on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 07:36:00 PST